Expecting too much ???

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2010
I bought a new nitro 7 last year with a Mercury 150.The boat was not running at the speed that the salesman told me it would.I was told by some fellow fisherman that if I put a jack plate on it that It would run a couple miles an hour faster.I put a 6 inch jack plate on it right after Christmas and I have been out on the water the last couple of weekends.According to my GPS the boat will only run 59.7.This is with half a tank of gas and two people in the boat.Is 59.7 mph all I should expect.
I was told when I bought the boat that it would run 60 mph plus without a jackplate. emoScratch emoScratch
I agree. Nitro's aren't the fastest hull on the water, so with a 150 I would be pleased with 60. You may need to adjust your jackplate a bit, but I don't know what else you could do to tweek anything. Regardless it won't give you much more speed.
I have a 18.5 foot boat with a mercury xr6 150 loaded Dow I hit 55 by myself and a quarter tank of fuel I can hit 60. My boat weighs over 1200 I think
I have never caught a fish at 60 miles an hour...My old Ranger would run about 57 with a full load and a half tank of gas with two people..Or with just me in it..
Have you played with the jackplate any? Have you moved it up or down to see what the speed is? What kind of prop an what size do you have? I have my Bumble bee set up for just me in the boat an it took me a little while to get it set up. Im running a 150 EFI w/ a 25P temptest plus 8" JP with it 2 1/4 below the pad. On GPS I run 65.4 MPH. My boat weighs 1050lbs though.. Yours prob weighs atleast 1400-1500lbs
I have a 1997 Nitro that is 18'3" with a 150 Mercury EFI and it runs 59.5 mph GPS speed with me and a full tank of gas. I am running a 25 pitch. It will run about 65 mph with a 27 pitch tempest but it takes a lot longer to get on plane. I like the quicker planing time and 60mph is plenty fast enough for me. emoSmile
you might could get a little more with the correct engine height and prop. Just have to mess around with it.
Let me explain something to you. YOU CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT A SALESMAN tells you. Especally about how fast a boat will go that he is tryin to sell you. The speed you are running now is a good speed for that rig. Next time you hear a guy tell you the boat will run XX mph, tell him you will buy the boat if it will but if it doesnt he has to give it to you. I have never had a salesman take me up on it. I was at a boat show a couple of years ago and a salesman told me the Ranger I was lookin at would run 80 mph. I made the above offer to him, he just turned and walked off. The boat had a 250 Rude on her back. Only that heavy boat will ever see 80 mph is on the trailer headed down the interstate.
59.7mph on your GPS, and probably 65 on your speedometer? That is what the salesman usually go by and they almost always read way high.
Right on Team-d. I thought I was running 48 in my Tracker with a 90 because thats what the speedo said. Later on once I got my new Hbird with a GPS it only said 41.5 wide open. I could do better with a stainless prop but the point is the speedo on a boat isn't totally accurate and they usually read much faster than the GPS.

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