BulBob - 2/26/2008 10:26 PM
Well for me it was Jimmy Houston because my wife would not make me change the channel like she did when I tried to watch some of the serious idiots! We really liked Jimmy's outrageous laugh. Bill Dance bloopers was good for a laugh and I think that is what fishing is about have fun and - yes - catching at least one nice fresh fish to eat. Mike Ike is not a guy a give a rats ... about and the whole bass tournament thing is for birds. It is always sponsored by BASS BOAT, TRUCK and BOAT MOTOR manufactures. I'd rather see MikI and KVD racing side by side in bellyboats fighting for position to make a cast! That would be real fishing and entertainment! It is too bad that big money runs TV and common sense never prevails. I mean, why not have tournaments from canoes or kayaks. You don't need a bass boat or a big gas guzzling truck to enjoy fishing! Motors and fish really don't mix except in the Bass-O-matic 2000 blender!</p>