February tournament 2/25/2007

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Ronnie Garrison

Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Griffin, GA
Spalding County Sportsman Club February tournament - Bartlett’s Ferry Lake - February 25

Bartlett’s Ferry is a small, old Georgia Power lake of 5850 acres on the Chattahoochee River on
the Georgia/Alabama state line below West Point Lake and above Lake Eufaula. It is ringed by
cabins and docks but there is a lot of wood cover and rocks.

Weather forecasts were for rain and thunderstorms with temps starting in low 50s and getting into
the sixties. . Left for the lake at 5:00 AM to light rain. Only 9 people showed up I was by
myself - partner let me know Friday night he could not go. At launch it started pouring and kept
if up pretty much till 11:00 AM. . It was barely light at 7:00 when we took off.

I ran about five miles to a secondary point in the mouth of a creek. Water temps were right at 50
- up a couple of degrees from the warm days. I figured bass would start moving up toward
bedding areas and this point is right on deep water with lots of brush on it. I have caught a lot of
bass here over the years.

First pass in the pouring rain with the Yozuri Livebait and nothing. Turned and started back with
a Bandit 200 series in blue and white. First few casts produced a 13 inch keeper spot - one in the
boat at 7:15.

Stayed here for 45 minutes as it got a little lighter. This point was out of the wind - I often try to
start on a calm place till it gets light then move to windy areas. I read somewhere bass will hold
at night in calm areas then move to the windy side to feed as it gets light.

No more bites so ran to a windy point I like, main lake point at the mouth of another creek. Saw a
streak of lightning but counted it to be at least five miles away. Nothing hit on the point then it
got calm after the storm passed to my north. Worked into the mouth of the creek and got a
keeper largemouth on a Carolina rigged Baby Brush Hog in the middle of a small pocket. Two in
the boat at 8:15.

Fished several more pockets and small points but no bites. Ran across the creek to the main lake
point on that side. Got a hit on the Bandit but when I set the hook felt nothing. Reeled fast and
guessed right - the fish was running toward the boat. A 14 inch spot - three in the livewell at 9:15
- beginning to like a pattern of a keeper at quarter past each hour.

Fished on down that side with no bites. Fished another small feeder creek - rocky point and
docks, one with a good brush pile under it. Nothing. Found out at weigh-in another boat in the
club had just left it - they saw me go to it. They took three off it! No wonder I didn’t get bit.
Ran up to the bridge and threw a jig head worm around riprap and pilings - not a bite. 10:15 had
passed without a fish - oh well.

Ran on up to another small creek and started working into it. As I rounded the first point noticed
something hit on top on the inside of it. Threw the Carolina rig to it and felt rocks - then the
surge of a fish. Set the hook and landed a small spot - surprised when it made 12.25 inches - four
keepers at 11:15. Fished past the point and felt lots of rocks all over it - the upstream side of this
point was at the mouth of a smaller feeder creek, the point was between it and the main lake..

Turned and cast back across it with the Yozuri and thought I hit bottom, then realized it was a
fish. When I set the hook saw a good flash in the water. It fought hard and got near the boat and
saw it was a 3 pound plus bass. My left hand is still real weak from surgery and had a tough time
holding the rod and netting the fish but got it in the boat. Five in the livewell at 11:30 - a small
limit with one good fish. Figured I had about 7 pounds, four averaging about a pound each and
the three pounder. Really wanted to cull the smallest spot.

Fished the little creek and bigger one, hitting the rocks where the two fish hit several times.
Fished a jig and pig around all logs and blowdowns - several in this creek, and lots of brush piles.
Not a bite. Got even more windy but the sky cleared - sun was nice and warm but too bright.

Went to the outside point on the other side of the creek saw a nice drop as I idled to it. Threw
out the Carolina rig and felt rocks - lots of rocks along the drop. Water fell from 5 feet deep to
15 pretty fast. Put in a waypoint to help remember that place.

Felt a fish on the Carolina rig and set the hook - half way - my hand was really hurting and the
heavy rod didn’t help. Fought a fish almost to the boat and a small spot jumped and threw the
hook - weak hook set. Might have culled the little one but not by much.

Had just a couple of hours left so started hitting other places. At one point I looked at my watch
and it was 1:50 - we were quitting at 3:00. Checked my cell phone - I was several miles up a
creek on the Alabama side and expected to see Central time, but it also showed 1:50. Just to make
sure I called my bank time and temp number back home and confirmed it was 1:50 in Georgia.

A few minutes later I was reeling in my jig and pig from a dock and saw a bass following as I
lifted it out of the water. The spot stopped and seemed to look around and wonder where it went
- I dropped it back in the water and he grabbed it. When I set the hook the spot came flying out
of the water and came off. It was just over 12 inches long, looked like.

Didn’t get any more bites but lost my Yozuri bait getting it hung up and the wind blew so bad I
broke my line trying to get it.

As we weighed fish someone asked where Ronnie and Brent were. Another said their truck was
there - was than them on the dock? A few minutes later everyone had weighed in - it was 3:13
and they were still not at the scales. I said we should wait two minutes and call them - club rules
say .3 of a pound penalty for each minute late up to 15, then DQ. I was kidding about waiting
and someone called them - they were pretty pissed, were going by cell time and thought they had
plenty of time left. They came in 15 minutes later - one had a limit of small spots he guessed at 6
pounds and other had one - they did not get to weigh in. I felt kinda bad about joking about
waiting to call them.

My five weighed 7. 75 and took first. My big fish was 3.37 but got beat. Second was 4 weighing
6.57, third was three at 6.28 including a 4.43 largemouth for big fish, and fourth was 4 at 6.22.
Pretty close. Nobody came in empty - even the two DQs.
RG, thanks for the play by play. It really helps to read how someone executes a plan to catch bass. So much better than more vague info. I appreciate your willingness to share the great info. It sounds like you were executing a winter/prespawn pattern. I know that some of the guys on here would have tried a flats pattern with all the info from G'ville about the fish down there being in 3-5 feet of water. What made you decide on the pattern that you fished? Personal prefference/comfort zone, water temp, targeting females rather than males? Just curious as it sounded like you had a better plan than all of the other guys, or maybe you just executed better. It was great to hear about you bait usage too. Often I have a certain bait or two that I stick with at certain times of the year and I would expect that I miss a lot of fish because of it. Congrats on your win!!!!!! Thanks again. We'll be hoping for a quick recovery of your wrist.
<font color="#ff0033">RG, thanks for the playbyplay....I used it as a visual.  I could see you doing these things and fishing with different baits...keep exercising the wrist and it will get stronger...and Congrats on the win....FA</font>
The lakes I fish above the fall line in Georgia aren't flats lakes - none to fish. If I had been at Eufaula or Seminole would have looked for that pattern first. Most of our lakes are steep bank river lakes - not much grass in any of them. The banks drop fast. Fish usually follow creek channels toward the back to spawning areas and hold on cover along the route - this time of year usually the first cover they come to, like the outside points. That has been my experience here. I was catching fish 3 to 5 feet deep but my boat was usually in 15 plus and I was casting at an angle to the bank to keep baits in the strike zone longer.

I read about the catches you guys make and the ones on lakes like Eufaula and wonder what I am doing wrong. I am bad about fishing places rather than patterns - I have been club fishing for 33 years and both clubs I am in tend to go to the same lakes the same months each year. We have fished Bartlett's the last three Februarys in this club - I won two years ago on this pattern. Last year a bad cold front came thru and I got one small keeper. I get stuck on where the fish used to be last year way too often.

I don't consider my clubs to have very good fishermen in them - we are more a fun fishing group, don't even draw partners. Several guys fish all tournaments by themselves. Real relaxed group, small entry fee, mostly for bragging rights.