Felt sole wading boots banned

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Fly Rod Rob

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2008
Chattanooga, TN
The states of Montana and Oregon have current legislation in the state houses and senate to ban felt soled wading boots and waders within both states (see links below for legislation).

From what I have read, the ban is to stop the spread of Didymosphenia geminata (didmyo or commonly called "rock snot"). It is a microscopic algae that can wreak havok in watersheads. The ban on felt soles is also to prevent the spread of whirling disease (Myxobolus cerebralis) which is a parasite which infests salmonids and can affect wild or stocked trout populations.

With this ban, all felt soled wading boots would be banned in both states due to the possibility of the felt soles carring the algae or parasite to unaffected waters. Only rubber soles would be allowed in these states.

Many experts, including leading parasitologist recommend cleaning felt soles (which I do every trip) with a mixture of bleach and water or allowing the wading boots to be fully dry for at least 48 hours before re-use. With this new legislation, all anglers in both states would be required to have non-felt soled boots and waders for their waters.

I enjoy my felt soles and they help me stand up in the currents and walk over all the slime covered rocks in the area without ending up head over teacups in the river.

No word on wheather they are banning studded boots in streams or not.



I see a lot of wet hind ends in those folks futures. I've used both but I will never be in a heavy stream without my felts on.
<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">I like my felt waders I will have to agree. I clean mine after every trip and will not change watersheds without changing waders. You can not blame them for the ban, because most people will not clean their gear and this will be the only way to guarantee that a person will not carry materials from one watershed to another. </font></p>

<font face="Georgia" size="2">The problem is that though they may slow it down. They will not stop movement unless they kill every living creature that travels from one waterway to the next. That includes ducks, geese, bear, deer, raccoons, and mice just to name a few. You can look for the same thing to happen here if we as anglers do not start cleaning our boats, specifically the livewells and bilges, after every trip</font>.</p>
Looks like I wont be fishing in those states then. Ill stick with Wy. I have to have my felt. Anything else and Im all wet. They need to ban all previously use fishing equip of any kind then, because your flies ,knots and line itself also come in contact with the same stuff. Cleaning is the best way, but you know not everyone is going to do it.

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