fin clips?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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FishingwithRusty - 2/24/2017 2:07 PM

anyone locally selling or making the fin clip weights?

You having trouble with fish in your livewell? Or just getting ready for summer?
FishingwithRusty - 2/28/2017 10:05 AM

FirstLight - 2/24/2017 10:24 PM

FishingwithRusty - 2/24/2017 2:07 PM

anyone locally selling or making the fin clip weights?

You having trouble with fish in your livewell? Or just getting ready for summer?

no just thinking ahead and looking at product opportunites

Cool. I've never used them but like the idea better than sticking the fish with the needle technique.
it certainly reduces the stress on the fish and you loose weight if you fizz the fish before weigh in, so the fish may still ultimately need to be fizzed but you'll get them weighed before and the fish wont have to wear itself out trying to flip over in the livewell increasing its likelyhood of dying.

fizzing isnt hard, if youre not familiar with it here's a great referrence:

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