Final Ratman Wolftever Dogfight of the Summer. 9/29/08

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
<font size="3" face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">This Friday night is the last Tournament of the summer for the Ratman Wolftever Tournament. Time to get ready for Deer Season.</font></p>

<font size="2" color="#333399">Ratman and I are going to sweeten the pot for this tournament. BIG FISH POT that is. If the big fish this Friday night weighs in at over<font size="3"> 8 pounds,</font> the person that caught it will win a brand new, in the box</font> <font size="4">$259.00</font> <font size="5"><font size="4">2008 Summit Viper SS Climbing Treestand. <font size="3">(Plus whatever is in the big fish pot.) So fish for the big boys this time.

<font size="5">Rules</font></p>

<font size="4">All Live wells will be checked. </font></p>

<font size="4">6:45-9:45PM (No last minute sign-ups) Be signed up, in the water and ready to go by 6:35 PM. Blast off will be at 6:45 from the Harrison Bay side of the Wolftever Bridge.</font>(You might want to get there a little early since it is the Labor Day Weekend) </p>

<font size="4">Entry Fee $20.00 per boat</font></p>

<font size="4">Big Fish Pot $5.00 per Angler.</font></p>

<font size="4">(no dead fish) </font></p>

<font size="4">15" Green.</font></p>

<font size="4">18" Brown. </font></p>

<font size="3">100% PAYBACK </font></p>

<font size="3">1-9 boats winner take all. </font></p>

<font size="3">10-15 Two Places</font></p>

<font size="3">16-20 Three Places</font></p>

<font size="3">21-25 Four places Maximum. </font></p><font size="5"><font size="4"><font size="3" /><font size="3" /></font></font>
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.I just wished I could get a slick in the boat at this point. emoLaugh


Nostradamus left a hint for you in one of his quatrains.

<font size="4"><font face="book antiqua,palatino">The Bobcat man will cast his lures upon the water and have great success but the G3 must run to the walls of former glory. Listen to the back seater, for his wisdom is deep like the waters you must fish. emoLaugh </font></font> </p>
Sounds like what was thinking too.I guess it wasn't thunder I heard after all.

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