Finally introduced to the problem on chick

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2014
Cleveland, TN
Got out this morning for about 2 hours had plans of staying longer but just one of those days I couldn't take it any longer and didn't wanna lose my cool. Had 2 guys first thing just doin laps in the creek I was fishing literally turned it into a washing machine. For no apparent reason just done a bunch of laps for 10 minutes. After they moved on I was fishing my way down the bank and had some fish busting up ahead of me. I continued to fish my way towards the fish schooled up on top before I could make it to them a boat from the opposite bank headed the opposite direction fired up and ran right across and shut down literally 25-30 yards in front of my boat. Like nothing was wrong. Fish begin to bust 10 yards in front of my boat and they throw right at me to try and catch the fish and laugh literally laugh out loud as they do it. Instead of showing my ass and causing a seen I strap the roads down fire up and head out. For the rest of my time in the lake I couldn't seem to imagine what in earth possess people to do these kinda things. I've read the posts about this type of things happening to people I guess today was just my day for it. I mean I'm a 24 year old guy who works 45+ hours a week I enjoy the time I get in the water. It I'm not the kind to ruin someone else's day just because the fish are bustin where they are. Never in my life. I just couldn't imagine doin that to someone. Sorry for the rant. Tight lines good luck to anyone who braves that place this weekend.
I absolutely will not fish the lake on the weekend except in the winter time. Friday afternoons have been good to me for the most part and the idiots are tolerable. I do believe certain places are worse than others. One place I fish is a skinny flat and for some reason boats like to split two boats fishing 100 yds apart when the channel is 200 yds away. At first it made me mad now I just like to laugh at it. Its all part of lake life I guess.
Yea I just don't understand how some people can think doing those things are acceptable. I usually try to go on fridays. Or at night I've spent a lot of time on watts bar and in the hiwassee just to get away from the big crowds of bass boats. It's just ridiculous but like you said it's part of it. The attention the lake gets from national groups isn't gonna help things either.
I went to watts bar a lot last summer ,This summer its crazy up there on weekends also Boats everywhere I pulled up to the dock last Saturday evening left my wife holding the boat while I backed up truck only to have a guy in a ski boat pull up to the bank wide open sent a huge wave on me some guys fishing came over and helped her otherwise it would have beat the crap out of my boat .They yelled at the guy he just had a blank look on his face ,You can't change stupid I guess
Sadly this is the reason this year is the last year for Fishing With A Soldier on Chickamauga Lake. Too many bassholes, people have forgotten what it's like to love a sport instead of thinking they are the next KVD going for the state record.
That's one of the by products of so many tournaments on the lake. Everyone thinks they're special because they paid a little money to fish.
I agree with you guys completely I guess I was just raised differently. It's just fishin I have to remind myself if that when I encounter situations like this. It's just fishin
I get more angry at the huge cruisers coming down the main river. Ill be sittin on the ledge and they will run between me and the bank in 8' of water. Theres a whole main river channel they can go down but nope. Swamps the whole place. As far as other fisherman I don't mind we are all out there to enjoy fishing and theres plenty of fish in the lake. Yesterday on the north end near sale and grasshopper there was very little boat traffic. I might have saw 10 other bass fisherman between 5 and dark. Saw maybe 5 pleasure boats all day. Caught em by the dozens all day.
It's hard to get away from the AH's. Has been for several years and it does keep getting worse. I fish at night or though the week since I'm retired now. It helps some. And of course we have a new law that took effect on July 1st that expands the right to carry a loaded firearm in a vehicle without a carry permit to boats and any recreational vehicle. This is from the Tennessean: "Guns on boats - While legislators took action to broaden the rights of gun owners on land, the General Assembly also passed a bill that allows people to carry guns in recreational vehicles and on motorized boats so long as the person in question is not prohibited from possessing a firearm and is in legal possession of the vehicle." I wonder if Stearn makes a bullet proof flotation device?
Yea the cruisers aggravate me too. Just the fact of going down bank flippin docks and grass and to have them come all the way across the creek and shut down and immediately start fishing 20-30 yards in front of me casting towards me. Oh well it's just another day on the #12 lake in the country...

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