Ive had a pretty frustrating archery season this year and saturday made me forget about it pretty quick! I scored a double saturday evening. I got to the woods around 3 and after a half hour walk in I got set up and settled in around 3:45. Right at 4:15 two does come walking straight toward me. One takes off up the ridge, not sure why, but the other stayed put and got to around 60 yards and turned broadside. I took the shot and dropped her in her tracks. I thought heck its still pretty early, Im gonna sit a little longer. I could see a lot of deer moving in the distance and around 5:45 2 of them closed the distance to about 50 yards, I took a shot at one of the does and she ran 30 yards and piled up. Talk about pumped up! If feels so good to get something on the ground after a frustrating season up until yesterday! Talk about a workout field dressing and dragging two deer and my gear/climbing stand back to the truck!