Fish taking your lure...

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
hixson, TN
Just wandering if anyone has ever had a fish to the boat/shoreline only to have your line break and the fish take off with one of your lures or crank baits or whatever? OR has anyone ever caught a fish and luckily gained an extra lure/crank bank by catching the fish??? lets hear your stories!

Yesterday eve i was bank fishing below the dam, and was throwing a lipless crankbait rattletrap and somehow a what looked to be about a 3 lb catfish managed to hit my bait. i reeled him in to the bank and as i was going to get him he took one more wild thrashing breaking my line and swam off with my $4.00 crank bait! so someone will get a free lure if they catch him and lure still in his mouth! Good Fishing to all!!
At least it wasn't a $15 crankbait. Yes, I have caught a few fish with lures in their mouths or snagged in their side. One time, in Canada, I broke off a jig only to get it back about 15 minutes later, in the mouth of a smallmouth.
I have never caught a fish with a lure in its mouth, but I have lost a couple when the line broke as I was reeling him in.
I've definitely lost my share of lures in fish. A few traps for sure. One time fishing for sauger my buddy broke off on a nice one. About a minute later, I set the hook on a good one and sure enough it had my buddies jig in its mouth.
I've pulled several shaky worms and other various soft plastics out of fish's mouths but never a hard bait. Treble hooks are alot easier to shake than a single hook so I'd say unless you hook them pretty soon after they got the crank it'll be gone before long unless they're hooked in the throat.

I've lost my fair share of jigs, worms, and swimbaits to fish but only one trap and that one was my fault. Had a nice smallmouth gulp a trap and it was down in it's gills. Cut the line to work it out through the gills and of course it was bleeding so I was holding it off the side of the boat when it's attitude reappeared and shook causing me to drop the fish into the water with the trap still in it. Felt bad about that one but hopefully I had it loose enough it could spit it
I was fishing on Douglas with a buddy visiting from VA. We were both throwing a shakyhead. I skipped my bait up to a little rock pile and felt the unmistakable thump. I set the hook and it broke off immediately. Nick in the line, I thought. No prob - I retie and skip another bait right up to the same rock pile. Another thump, another hook set, and another break-off. Dang it. My buddy then skips up to the same pile, feels a thump, and sets the hook on a solid keeper. "Hey, look at this fish. It just ate a crawfish. Look at the antennae sticking out of its mouth," he said. "That's not antennae. It's my shakyheads," I replied. Sure enuff, he'd caught the same fish that had broken me off twice. I got my shakyheads back.
I was fishing Nickajack a few years ago. Caught one on a 6XD but it got me wrapped up in some deep brush and broke me off. While I was tying on another 6XD, the fish broke water 2-3 times trying to shake the CB. We could here it rattling when it broke water. A few minutes later, my XD came floating to the top.

Was fishing KY lake a few years ago. Got my c-rig hung up and broke it off above the swivel while fishing a deep point. Fished some other areas and stopped back on rhe point. Goint hung up again. This time it pulled loose. When i got it in, i had caught the hook on the c-rig i had lost earlier. Git the swivel, leader, hook and lizard back. That had to be a 1 in a gazillion catch.
My dad told me a tale that once while catching bluegill on a bed , his stringer came untied an stringer full of bluegill swam off. A little while later he caught a fish that was really heavy and low and behold it was a fish on the stringer with all the fish still on it.