Fishing Albums so easy Jmax can do it!!

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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SpurHunter - 8/31/2008 12:17 PM

Yup, our very own Jamx has created and keeps adding to his personal album, so I <u>KNOW</u> anyone can do it!emoPoke emoLaugh </p>

Go here and check it out.</p>


HEY!!!! and to think I was taking up for you yesterday Spur.... emoTongue I have to admit that between Billy and a couple more of you I have just about figured out how to post a picture. Let's see has taken me about mmmmmmm..3 years to figure that out. emoGoofy Jmax

The trick is you have to go in and make sure under the properties of the picture it is no more then 200 or it will not post. You can resize it if needed and it will show up. emoThumbsup
Poor Jmax was just sitting there minding his own business when his name was BESMIRCHED emoBigsmile emoBigsmile
EricM - 8/31/2008 1:20 PM Poor Jmax was just sitting there minding his own business when his name was BESMIRCHED emoBigsmile emoBigsmile

DOUBLE emoBigsmile emoBigsmile emoBigsmile emoBigsmile emoBigsmile </p>
EricM - 8/31/2008 1:20 PM

Poor Jmax was just sitting there minding his own business when his name was BESMIRCHED emoBigsmile emoBigsmile

BESMIRCHED. Wow, what a word. Who would have thought that we would have to have greater than a 3rd grade reading level to post and understand the lingo on a fishing forum!

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