Gosh, so many to chose from, from Derek getting caught up in the net at night and flying across my boat crashing into my seat, almost breaking it and his arm to forgetting the plug, loosing the boat at the ramp and having to swim for it to retrieve it, forgetting to put in the plug and almost sinking my boat, the list is huge. emoGoofy
I guess two stand out in my mind. One was when my dad and I were fishing together and got into some schooling bass. We were using blue/chrome rattle traps and having a blast. I was in the back and told my dad I was coming up behind him and not to hook me. It was not seconds later a school came up, dad went to make a long cast to reach them and I about had my face taken off. emoBang It stunned me for a second before I realized my dad had just buried two hooks in my face. emoHoppingmad One hook I could touch with my tongue and the other was buried in my temple. My dad was all upset with himself and kept apologizing. I about cussed him out of the boat. He wanted to take me to the doctor to get them removed but I told him no way with schooling bass like we were on. emoCrazy I had him rip the one out that was in my temple and the other he had wire clippers so I opened my mouth, he cut off the barb in my mouth and I pulled the remainder of the hook back out. The funny thing after I got over it was he was the one who got sick from it.
We kept fishing and I could blow bloody bubbles through the hole in my cheek. emoRolleyes
The second was on the Arkansas river. It was years ago. I was fishing under the I-430 bridge when it was being built and it was almost finished. I snagged on something under the bridge and could not get it off. It would give a little but that was it. I finally just decided to break my line. I pulled very hard and the hook came free. I reeled in a chunk of something that looked like hair and flesh. It stunk. It kind of freaked me out. I left shortly after that. That night on the news they said a body had floated up under that bridge and the workers on the bridge saw the body and called the police. emoEek There is no doubt in my mind that what I had reeling in was a piece of the persons scalp. emoVomit If I were to bet, when I snapped the persons head and pulled my line to break it, that was all it took to dislodge the body and have it float up.

I was sure glad it did not come up with my hook, I would not have wanted to see that. emoTskTsk Jmax