Fishing Blunders

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Apr 17, 2017
We always make mistakes maybe some are embarrassing.

I'll tell mine first. Oneday, I'v taken few baits prepared for fishing. After long walk to the lake before i realized i'd left the bait in the car. When I walked long back just to find the bait was cooked to a stew in the car. That was a such hot day I would never forget. Had no choice but lol. emoApplause

Anyone care to share any fishing blunders of yours? emoTongue
we drove all the way to hiwasse river and when we got there we had rod and reels but forgot the tackle box lol
Gosh, so many to chose from, from Derek getting caught up in the net at night and flying across my boat crashing into my seat, almost breaking it and his arm to forgetting the plug, loosing the boat at the ramp and having to swim for it to retrieve it, forgetting to put in the plug and almost sinking my boat, the list is huge. emoGoofy

I guess two stand out in my mind. One was when my dad and I were fishing together and got into some schooling bass. We were using blue/chrome rattle traps and having a blast. I was in the back and told my dad I was coming up behind him and not to hook me. It was not seconds later a school came up, dad went to make a long cast to reach them and I about had my face taken off. emoBang It stunned me for a second before I realized my dad had just buried two hooks in my face. emoHoppingmad One hook I could touch with my tongue and the other was buried in my temple. My dad was all upset with himself and kept apologizing. I about cussed him out of the boat. He wanted to take me to the doctor to get them removed but I told him no way with schooling bass like we were on. emoCrazy I had him rip the one out that was in my temple and the other he had wire clippers so I opened my mouth, he cut off the barb in my mouth and I pulled the remainder of the hook back out. The funny thing after I got over it was he was the one who got sick from it.

We kept fishing and I could blow bloody bubbles through the hole in my cheek. emoRolleyes

The second was on the Arkansas river. It was years ago. I was fishing under the I-430 bridge when it was being built and it was almost finished. I snagged on something under the bridge and could not get it off. It would give a little but that was it. I finally just decided to break my line. I pulled very hard and the hook came free. I reeled in a chunk of something that looked like hair and flesh. It stunk. It kind of freaked me out. I left shortly after that. That night on the news they said a body had floated up under that bridge and the workers on the bridge saw the body and called the police. emoEek There is no doubt in my mind that what I had reeling in was a piece of the persons scalp. emoVomit If I were to bet, when I snapped the persons head and pulled my line to break it, that was all it took to dislodge the body and have it float up. :( I was sure glad it did not come up with my hook, I would not have wanted to see that. emoTskTsk Jmax
When I was a kid one of my uncles had an old bus that he had converted to camper.

We would go to some lakes that were fairly remote so we would have to take enough bait to last for the weekend.

One time the mosquitoes were really bad and my uncle set off a fogger in the bus to get rid of them before going to sleep.

Killed every cricket that we had brought for bream fishing. :)
Back several years ago I pulled up to the boat ramp unhooked the straps,got the boat ready to go dumped it in then realized I'm by my self as I watched the boat drift away.This was during the week and back when there wasn't that many people on the water,and no one was around to get my boat.I stripped down to my underwear swam out to the boat got in and got back to the ramp,and wouldn't you no it a couple of older folks pull up about that time to go fishing off the bank.There I sit in my boat soaking wet in my underwear! I was trying to get my rain pants out and on without standing up in front of the lady.I had left my cloths on the ramp,so I got some very odd looks till I explained what happened.They laughed so hard at me!
Ok, a quickie but I feel certain I'm not alone on this one. Thought I was clipping the tag end, but really cut the main line and then watched jig go out of sight when I flipped it over the side of the boat. Left holding a rod with no lure.
Classic blunders guys - thanks for sharing. So many over the years for most fishermen. A few that come to the top of my head and Debbie's head -- no pun intended.

My dad - me and my cousin running a trotline in a large pond at dark on Dayton Mountain in the early 70's. The line gets hung up...then gives away with one last big pull from my dad and he falls back and overturns our boat. I'm in an air pocket under the boat and my dad grabs me but I'm not going anywhere as a trotline hook has dug into my ankle. I still have the scar today. I finally get up and cousin...and a catfish are hanging on for dear life on the boat. It was dark and we couldn't tell which way to swim. My uncle would have to go get help and we got out a couple hours later.

Around 2007 I'm barefoot on the pontoon at the towers. A wave makes me stumble and my right little toe jams into the door gate. My toe breaks and is sticking out at a 45 degree angle. Red Bank Emergency room pulls it out and over and sets it back in place. emoEek

Sometime in 2008 at the towers again. The white bass are in the jumps and we're slingin' Rooster Tails all over the place. The last place when I cast turned out to be Debbie's head. I sunk a big heavy Rooster Tail in hear head. Heck...just the weight of it should have knocked her out. We had to cut her bloody cap off as it was pinned to her head by the hooks. The hooks got her good so off to North Park emergency room where they managed to get the big and deep hooks out. They bandaged her head like she was a mummy and let her take her souvenir Rooster Tail home.

In 2011 I was about ready to anchor a boat with an expensive "Digger" anchor. I had my anchor with different types of rope under my seat. I had been cutting long rope shorter to tie my boat off, etc. You have to toss the Digger anchor out to be able to hold a pontoon so I get it and let it fly. I watch it for a second and then all of a sudden it leaves my hands. Four feet of rope and an anchor just go flying in the air. I'm just staring in disbelief...I look at my hands...then just look out toward the water shaking my head. I just keep staring like....what the heck ? I must have somehow cut the anchor rope when I was cutting other rope. emoDoh

A pic of Deb's souvenir and bloody cap. I'd like to fish with it again but she said only if I go by myself.


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Sounds like not funny, but i can't help lol. emoLaugh
Glad you're still alive. emoToast
Years ago I took my new boss to south holston lake and he idea of a good fishing trip included a few cans of beanie weenies, some spam, sardines, moon pies and and some cokes to wash it down with. After we arrived at the first fishing spot I waited for a long time it seemed to make the first cast why he distributed the ungodly amount of snacks and so when I started to heave that first long cast with a crank bait I heard a shriek.....(unknowingly he had walked back up front because he ended up with 5 cans of beanie weenies and I only had three to give me another can) and when I looked around all I could see was monofilament line coming out of his mouth. It was a scary site and I thought I had hooked him deep and was looking for my forceps when he announced the plug was on his back that it had bounced off his dentures while his mouth was open and the line was hung in his teeth.
Took off and sucked the anchor rope up in the prop. Had to use the trolling motor to beach the boat then worked for half an hour cutting since it was wound up so tight. Lucky no signs of damage to my motor and the anchor was still dangling on the end. I'll never forget to check the anchor again!
Too many to remember. One, though, was when I was wade fishing in Galveston Bay TX. Jumped out and dropped the anchor on a reef in West Bay. Went off wading for two or three hours. Came back and the tide had gone out, leaving my too-heavy boat high and dry.

Next high tide was about twelve hours later.

Luckily, I saw another boat pulling into the marina a half mile off. I called the marina and they asked the guys if they would come and help me pull my boat off of the reef. They did! I didn't have to spend the night with the Texas mosquitos eating me alive.

In 2002 i started a job at Y-12. I made alto of new friends and most likes to fish. My now part time fishing partner wanted to go to Ft. London and learn to jig fish. In all in cause a jigs my most favorite bait and I had never fished London. We meet and his rods are buggy whips and his reels are K-mart specials. No problem, we adjust best we can and we're fishing! After I caught a few he had not hooked up yet, although he had set the hook a 100 times on rocks, sticks you name it! He sets the hook again and I hear line screaming from his reel. Finally get bass in boat, 6lber his PUBat this point. He is literally dancing in my boat! He says, you got pliers? This is deep and in shaking to bad to take out the hook! I take the new pliers from the package and hand them to him. I go back to fishing and hear Ker-splash. I turn around and he says Dammmm I threw your pliers in the lake and dropped the jig in the boat!
A buddy and I set out one October morning for the frog bite, I work nights so early in the morning sometimes I'm as foggy as the lake. Needless to say in trying to figure out what to throw what morning, sitting in the boat with my puzzler puzzling on the issue. I cut one bait off and while concentrating on tying the perfect knot.... Well as they say "A picture is worth a thousand words". I had plenty of knot practice that morning...


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I couldn't imagine reeling up a human body!! I've had sooooo many of these blunders! I can remember just last year while backing down my boat at the 58 ramp on the Hiwassee. As I was backing down I noticed my boat was on the ramp!!! I couldn't believe it. I was by myself and the only guy at the ramp. When I got out of the truck the front end of the boat about 1 foot was was the only thing on the trailer. Thank God for that or I would have really been screwed!. I ended up winching small amounts and then backing the truck down a few inches at a time. It almost worked but then all the sudden I couldn't winch anymore. So I made the decision to just back the boat the rest of the 30 ft into the water while the motor sat on the ground the whole way. It worked but it took about 40 min by myself.

Last month I was fishing traps with my buddy just past sundown. It was dark and we were both tired but were still catching fish in a half foot of water. Well I had one smash my bait and when I set the hook the trap came flying at us. I yelled duck but my buddy looked instead. Well all i heard was uhhhhhhh! I looked back and my buddy had that trap hanging out of his mouth!!!! I was shocked!!!! Took us a while but we finally got all the hooked out of him! Both cases I forgot to take a picture b/c of the panic involved haha
Hahaha The hooks are sharp enough for both fishes and anglers. I was hooked once before, almost cry when took it out. emoDoh
Well this is an entertaining thread and I've got lots of moments --- too many to share but here are a few. Many years ago I fished with a guy (not Jmax) who was somewhat arrogant and very competitive (again not Jmax). Well we are fishing and I'm in the back seat and he gets snagged on a big tree out in the water. He trolls up to the tree and he just can't quite get his rod tip to the lure so he very confidently steps out of the boat onto the tree which he had decided was very solid. You guessed it - where he stepped was rotten and in he went. I was with this same guy fishing at night on Watts Bar - he said he knew the lake like the back of his hand so we were flying across the lake just above the Dam. A big tug pushing a barge hit us with a bazillion power spot light. I remember it was so powerful you could feel the heat off of it and we were some distance away. We are flying in the dark and all of a sudden it was like the second coming, magnificent super white bright light - we couldn't see anything. They kept the light on us as we flew across the lake and off course the guy I was with didn't slow down, well when they took the light off and we could see much to our horror we had went much further across the lake and was about to run headlong into a sheer bluff wall. I mean it was right in front of us and we were flying. My buddy goes from full forward to full reverse in one motion. The Ranger set down hard and a wall of water swept over the transom. We stopped and the nose of the boat was about a foot from the bluff wall. The boat was full of water and I was very glad that Rangers would float full of water because that one needed to. It took forever to pump all the water out. Another time with this same guy we were again on Watts Bar and we were catching a bunch of fish on a bank with a massive willow fly hatch. My buddy gets hung up in a tree! I guess he saw a fish up there, anyway he trolls up to the bank so we are right in all the branches and he starts pulling to try to get his lure free. It stirred up the willow flys which started flying and they all landed on us. I'm serious we were covered head to toe with willow flys. Faces, arms, legs everything covered in willow flys. I'm looking at him and he is looking at me and we look like something out of a horror movie. I'll never forget wearing that willow fly suit. Another memory is some of you know about Jmax and myself cutting the channel wrong during a blast off in the dark a few years ago on the Nick. Only the good Lord looking out for us kept us from disaster as we were flying in 10" of water with stumps and a big brushpile. Jim kept his cool and kept it on plane and we turned and skipped back toward the channel. I couldn't believe it when we made it to open water without hitting anything. We all have done a lot of "dumb" things - I for sure have done my share like proudly launching my first boat bringing it to the dock to load my wife and kids. I tied it (I thought I tied it) to the dock and went to park the truck. When I got back to the dock my wife and two little girls are sitting on the dock watching our boat float away to the middle of the cove. I admit I got a little excited and asked my wife, "why didn't you grab it to which she replied that I was handling everything and she didn't want to interfere!!!!! At the time I couldn't swim a lick (not much better now) so she had to swim for it and somehow get it close enough for me to wade out and grab. I also loaded that first boat on about my third time in it onto the trailer with the trolling motor down breaking the motor bracket off emoBang . This is a great thread --- you know with all these mishaps and we all kept at this boating / fishing thing so that confirms that the good times far outweigh the bad emoAngel
To many bloopers where to start. Earlier this year I took my two brothers out on chic chasing bass and the day turned into a blooper highlight reel. Now we've all been fishing since we were old enough to hold an ultra light and catch brim and crappie but we looked like a bunch of rookies who had never gone fishing a day in their life that day. Started at the launch when my youngest brother forgot to unclip the winch strap. I back the boat in boat floats off the trailer so I start up the hill only to hear both of my brothers yelling for me to stop as I almost drug the boat up on the ramp. We get our first spot and I had to get something out of storage so my middle brother hops on the nose and the last thing I saw was him grab the handle for the trolling motor followed by a huge splash. The goofball didn't have his balance and fell right over the nose while he was droping the motor in. Now this is the 1st week in march and the water was high 50's I think. So we fish him out and I'm getting ready to head back to the ramp cause it cold and being soaking wet he'd be hypothermic in less than 30min but he asks me if I had my rain gear in the boat. Yep its in that hatch and next thing I know hes stripped butt naked and put MY rain gear on, Yes we love to fish that much. Needless to say my gear got ran through the washer twice before it went back in the boat. So we go back to fishing with my youngest bro on the back and me and my middle bro on the front deck. We started catching some on traps but for some reason my middle bro kept wanting to fish out the other side of the boat. Probably told him not to do that a dozen times cause I would end up hooking him but he wouldn't listen and sure enough after about 30min I wrapped a trap around his head. Luckly he had a thick cold weather hat on and the hooks didn't go past the barbs but that didn't stop him from bleeding like a stuck pig for about 10min and me forced to cut and strip about 100yrds of brand new fluorocarbon to the trash. My youngest brother ended up with a black eye when he was manning the net and a 5lber threw a 3/4 jig into his face. After all of that we get back to the ramp and I finish the day with a busted lip when I go to step off the nose to get the truck and my middle brother was a little to quick putting the boat in reverse and basicly threw me off the nose face first of the dock. That was the end of it. We all ended up hurt in some way that day but nothing serious and we wacked em. Caught fish all day and the best 5 would have went around 20-25

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