Listen up guys !need some advice here !! As some of u know , I have been very lucky and caught 3 beasts from the bank My problem is I have lost 2 beasts in @ two weeks breaking my leaders ! one of them this morning ! Man she was burning rubber pulling off drag and still snapped my 17lb. leader do i need to go up to 20 or 30 lb leader ? im using my synergy spinning reel backed W/ 30 lb. Fireline and tying on 17 lb leader on St. Croix rod . Im not always lucky enough to catch a beast , and im throwing a 5" finesse worm that would be hard to throw on a baitcaster And some info for MontMan too If a lot of people fishing on pier, find somewhere else to fish that place is absolutely BEAT to death . I can catch more fish just walking along the banks, just need to know signs to look for , minnows , eddies , structure , etc. guarantee u can catch a beast too , but gotta get there EARLY !!!!!!!! Slower u can work that bait the better for me . They have to come up outta that grass and then HOLD ON !!!!! I may have had my 13lber on line this morning ! Definitely a beast and a half ! Good Luck to all and will be looking for some advice > Thanks emoAngel