Fishing right of way

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Bahama Rick

Active member
Jun 7, 2006
Fishing from the shore I had a bass boat fish right thru the area I was fishing. His back seater even thru his line over mine. I know the pecking order from "vessel not under command down to seaplanes". Since I was not fishing with a shark hook I let him get away. Common sense and courtesy go a long way. I would hope every one in the CFF uses it.
Common sense and courtesy go a long way. I would hope every one in the CFF uses it.

Well said BR - While I think the vast majority of anglers in Chattanooga are well mannered and courteous I have experienced several recently that really need to be educated on that topic. I have a few stories of amazingly rude invasions of anglers and wide open bass boats... I am hoping a few might read something on CFF at some point to provide a clue of how to conduct themselves on the water, especially for purposes of safety.

I am curious as to what CFF members think a minimum distance is considered both for fishing (non-vertical where your casting) or running in a bass boat?
DHaun - 7/28/2007 9:32 PM

Common sense and courtesy go a long way. I would hope every one in the CFF uses it.

Well said BR - While I think the vast majority of anglers in Chattanooga are well mannered and courteous I have experienced several recently that really need to be educated on that topic. I have a few stories of amazingly rude invasions of anglers and wide open bass boats... I am hoping a few might read something on CFF at some point to provide a clue of how to conduct themselves on the water, especially for purposes of safety.

I am curious as to what CFF members think a minimum distance is considered both for fishing (non-vertical where your casting) or running in a bass boat?

Well I may be old fashioned, but if I am on the wide open lake (not a slough or channel) and I can make out facial features on someone then I am way too close. I am also very careful to slow down when I am running to see which way someone is casting on a boat if I HAVE to get that close to them. Nothing worse than having schooliing bass up and having an idiot run over them (happened 3 times this week) or be fishing a hump and have someone run over it when you are casting to it from deeper water.

Furthermore, if I am on the water headed to a spot and see someone else already there, I will not run in on them. Even if it means I can't fish the setup I'd like I give them room. For example; lots of people don't understand that if you are fishing shallow, spawning catfish, that the noise of a motor will spook them. They also don't SEEM to know that threadfin can be spooked the same way. Lot's of people seem to be pretty dense when it comes to bedding fish also. I've had guys come roaring into a a tiny slough where I have been fishing bedding bass, crappie, bluegill, shellcracker and so on and totally ruin it for HOURS just because they were nosey and wanted to see what I was up to.

Last Saturday I was fishing one of my favorite spots on the lake after fighting to get there through wind and huge waves from the merry-go-wake-makers. I had just found the little sandbar in the middle of the area and began to fish. I looked up to see the bow of a basboat coming in from wayyyyyyyyyy off the river toward me. I thought for sure he'd pull up and head somewhere else but he just kept on coming. Finally about 75 yards away he backed it down, and dropped his trolling motor.....and kept right on coming. I had been fishing schooling bass (which is a favorite thing to do this time of year) and he proceeded to run right over them, with them obviously busting the top! He or his partner would NEVER look in my direction. Finally after zigging and zagging over the spot I was trying to fish (and not catching anything) he yelled over and asked if I was catching anything. I told him I was until he ran over the fish. He just looked at me and told me he was "practicing" for a tournament this weekend. No apology, no "I'm sorry I didn't see the fish", nothing. The fact that he was "practicing" was much more important to him than courtesy and sportsmanship. I am encountering this more and more with TX fishermen on the Chick. If you want to fish a TX please remember that a lot of us don't want to and don't enjoy being run over in pursuit of your "bag".

Finally I know that the nuke plant is kinda a community hole where fishing the jumps or catfish is a group event. No problem with that at all. BUT I was there twice this week and was fishing schooling fish close to a rocky wall that was 50 yards away and had boats run between me and the fish! Sometimes I wonder if folks there realize that different people are fishing for different species of fish?
I predict that this is going to be a popular thread.  I hope several are educated.</p>

If I am trolling along a bank bass fishing, I have no problem for another boat to fall in behind me as close as just beyond casting distance.  However, to buzz in and jump in front of me is not okay with me.  I if I am stationary in an area and someone trolls in on me going in the same general direction,then I have no problem with them to stop casting as they near my "Zone".  They may troll around behind me and then resume casting as soon as they clear my Zone.  I consider my zone the area that i can cast to from where i am sitting.  </p>

The same zones should be observered and respected for fishermen on the bank as a boat fisherman comes near.  The boater should circle clear of that zone and not cast into it as they pass.</p>

That is how I treat others and I expect the same respect. </p>

Vertical fishing has zones as well but are much smaller.  While vertical fishing, I have had people drift up and bump my boat, hook my lines that are well within "My Zone" and even hook and fight my anchor rope.</p>
Well said LL. However I consider my zone to be about half again the distance I can cast in any direction. Even then I think in general that is too close if the lake is not just super, super crowded. With schooling fish the person coming up to you needs to be aware of what and how you are fishing. You might see a boil start 30 yards from the boat and have to burn toward it. But I can certainly see the zone applying in a popular spot. Excellent point also about the bank fishermen. I tend to give them even more distance than I would a boat emoThumbsup
I started bass fishing when I was 9 years old.  My Dad was the BEST.  He taught me to never pull in front of someone fishing a bank.  If I really am set on fishing that bank, I will fall in behind them.  I have caught many fishing while fishing behind other fishermen.  When approaching someone fishing from the bank, give them a wide berth.  Remember, they usually cast as far away from the bank as they can, so distance from the bank is important!.  If I can't see where their lines are, I will ask.</p>

So far, the only folks that have come between me and the spot I was fishing were jet skiers, but, that's another thread.</p>

My pet peeve is TX fishermen who think they have priority because they are "fishing for money"!  If they want to gamble playing a sport, they should take up golf!! </p>
It only takes a few yards to show someone respect when on the lake and for the most part people do alright,but something needs to be done about jet skiers running between you and the bank and laughing the whole time about it.They should have to take a class about operating them on the water and show some respect as we fisherman do either on the lake or in sloughs.
What about if you are fishing a large flat or weed bed area and you put marker's out in the area's that you get bit would it be assumed that the whole area is yours and people should stay out?
Bassallday - 7/29/2007 10:48 AM

What about if you are fishing a large flat or weed bed area and you put marker's out in the area's that you get bit would it be assumed that the whole area is yours and people should stay out?

Nope and I'll tell you why. Normally I would say yes to this question in a very limited way but I have seen guys cover several acres of water dropping bouys all along the way. Bouys are great to show where you got a fish, drops or structure but they should not be used to define "your" fishing area. Sorry but if thats the case I'd just start dropping bouys and secure an area of about 10 acres and fish to my hearts content, which is what some guys try to do. I saw the same thing happen last year with crappie on the lake. Some guy would be trolling and catch a fish. He'd drop a bouy. He'd go down another 200 feet in the creekbed and drop another. Sorry but there is no way I'd honor that zone. I certainly won't fish over another man's bouy marked spot but if I see he is abusing the priviledge I'll fish where I want. Courtesy is one thing, but roping a certain area off is another thing entirely. Too much room for abuse there. But here is the question I would ask in connection with this; what is someone else doing fishing the flat you are on or the weedbed you are on? This gets back to the question of distance. Can't someone see your boat and know that you are fishing an area? Common sense would say yes.
DHaun - 7/28/2007 9:32 PM

Common sense and courtesy go a long way. I would hope every one in the CFF uses it.

Well said BR - While I think the vast majority of anglers in Chattanooga are well mannered and courteous I have experienced several recently that really need to be educated on that topic. I have a few stories of amazingly rude invasions of anglers and wide open bass boats... I am hoping a few might read something on CFF at some point to provide a clue of how to conduct themselves on the water, especially for purposes of safety.

I am curious as to what CFF members think a minimum distance is considered both for fishing (non-vertical where your casting) or running in a bass boat?

I probably give folks at least 150 yards or more when I am running my boat unless I happen to come around a point that is blind on the other side and accidently get too close to someone fishing tight to the bank. Harrison bluff for instance. I always stay on plane and never throttle back. I know some folks throttle back in an attempt to be courteous (I appreciate the thought) but the effects of coming by at half throttle is a lot worse than full plane.

I give even more room to fishermen when I want to stop and fish, even to the point that I will not stop anywhere near the area. I am not selfish and share a lot more than I need to sometimes on the forum, but when I am fishing, I had rather be a loner. I don't readily let people see what I'm doing especially if I am on fish. Sometimes you can't help it though and people see you catching fish and will stop to watch what you are doing. If I take you fishing, I will teach you everything that I can and won't hold anything back from you, but I really don't want other fishermen that I don't know even see me swing a fish over the side of the boat.

I fish a lot of new areas (new to me) and am constantly experimenting with lures, colors, techniques that I dream up. Many of them work, but not all do.

I don't like for jet skiers and other boats run between me and the bank and I am trying to control the negative emotions that come from such encounters because I know that it is not fruitful for me. It has been said on here before that you can't fix stupid and the stupid or selfish ones can just ruin a great fishing day sometimes by spooking the fish. The beast in me wants to strangle their sorry necks, but the love of God in me is helping me to be an overcomer. I have actually just quit a striper fishing trip below Watts Bar because of a certain "jerk" that shows up up there from time to time. Rather do that than have my blood pressure get too high and I say something that I would regret. Once words have been spoken, they can't be taken back. emoGeezer
I always give other boaters and bank fishermen I wide berth. Golden rule here. Yesterday, during the outlaw tx when my motor decided to quit, we were trolling around the ramp. I really wanted to fish the piers but they all had someone fishing from them so we just stayed way out from them. Never cut in front of someone.
A few weeks ago I was fishing at Ross' Landing about 12 at night and I saw some guys fishing from the bank, so I just went on out and around them. I got about 50ft past them and went back in where I could reach the bank b/c it was rip rap and it usually produces. I was throwing a SB and made a few casts with no problem, the next cast I felt a good bump, set the hook, and thought I had a good fish on. I fought for a minute to realize the guys on the bank thought they had a big fish too, at first! We both realized what was going on after a few minutes of me fighting him so I reeled my SB in and took it off of his line. I found it funny b/c I thought I was doing the right thing by circling around him and leaving him some room, although I didnt really consider the current pulling his bait down river about 100 yards, plus his reaction and my reaction were hilarious. He didnt find the situation to funny, but I appoligized about 100 times and really felt bad about it. He wouldnt reply to my appoligies, so I went on about my business. I did have a moment about every hour after that where I cracked up just thinking about the situation, the say the least, I learnt my lesson and really felt bad about it. Hopefully Ill never be in that situation again. emoBang emoLaugh
The reason I asked my question is becouse back home (Wis) in the club I was in there was a couple guy's that would do that and if you got close to there marker's they would get very pissed off and start swearing and stuff.I just started fishing tounament's last year so that's why I asked. Thank's for your response,It makes alot of sence.Flippen1 said the same thing too.
Bassallday - 7/29/2007 5:13 PM FishinFool, The reason I asked my question is becouse back home (Wis) in the club I was in there was a couple guy's that would do that and if you got close to there marker's they would get very pissed off and start swearing and stuff.I just started fishing tounament's last year so that's why I asked. Thank's for your response,It makes alot of sence.Flippen1 <font size="2">said the same thing too.
</font></p><h6><font size="2">Bassallday That bunch you fished with were wrong and were some sorry ### sportsmen.  What they were doing was claiming the entire area so as to block out others from fish.  What if you put out a few markers across the mouth of a slough?  Would that mean that you have the rights to the entire area and no one else can enter?  If they put markers out and remained in their zone then I do feel that they have the right to claim them as their spot.  However if they toss out markers and move as much as one hundred yards away, they have noe rights to block someone from fishing near them.</font></h6><h6><font size="2">If I had their names, I would call them up and tell them just how low-down and greedy they are.</font></h6>
i was fishing a point in sale creek was setting out about 30 yards from it this guy just comes across me idleing and waves at me i just shook my head at him the channel maker was behind me dont understand why he didnt just use the channel he ideled all the way to the ramp what goes around comes around
I can see that these were doing just that hording the whole area for themselves.It worked becouse people complained about them but the guy's got there way.They won alot of the time.Anyway I just love this foum I am learning alot and getting to meet some great fishermen.
I fish from the bank at chester frost alot. I was fishing the rock point at the entrance from the main lake to CF. I have had a boat get so close to (at full Throttle) that his motor caught my line an began to "spool" me. He made it away with a $7 crank bait of mine. He never once acknowleged me as I was telling him what a "great" sportsman he was.......... Time for the 3oz egg sinker and surf casting rod I guess.emoEnforce emoEnforce
ArmySarge - 7/30/2007 11:49 AM I fish from the bank at chester frost alot. I was fishing the rock point at the entrance from the main lake to CF. I have had a boat get so close to (at full Throttle) that his motor caught my line an began to "spool" me. He made it away with a $7 crank bait of mine. He never once acknowleged me as I was telling him what a "great" sportsman he was.......... Time for the 3oz egg sinker and surf casting rod I guess.emoEnforce emoEnforce

Maybe the line will work it's magic on his lower unit seal!!  One can only hope! </p>
Just had to put my experience with rude and not caring boat fisherman,I was catching slab after slab under the bridge at the wolf, there was two yahoos trolling around in the MAIN channell, well they must have seen me catchin the slabs because they simply trolled around the pilings and turned towards me now I see there intentions as they get closer and closer to me ON THE BANK well being the stubborn person I am I just kept fishing not wanting to budge, well I guess they thought I should move my float for them. well they must not have seen me all 6ft 1 255 lbs standing with my 6ft spinning rod in my hand, sorry guys! they did not swing around but ran over my line then acted like I was at fault yes I could have pulled my line in but I stood there in disbelief,rage and utter shock that someone would do that, well it took every once of control not to start filling there boat up with rocks and cuss words but as i found out in life once you sat things you can appoligize but cant take back words you say, well I didnt say anything just put all my gear up threw my minnows in the water left thinking what some people will do to others. well i told myself i would never have that happen again and on my way home i stopped by the tracker dealer and picked me up a crappie pro. I couldnt thank them yahoos enough. now that i am on the water now i remember that every time i come near someone i give them plenty of room and courtesy I hope people read all the replys to this thread and remember all of our experiences and give everyone respect and courtesy when comming near our brother fisherman see ya on the water