Fishing SE TN and North Bama (3/7-3/15)

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2008
Central, Pa
My buddy and I are traveling to Cleveland, TN from Pennsylvania for a week of fishing during our spring break, the 2nd week of march ( 7- 15 ish). We were planning on heading to Guntersville to fish for a couple days because we've always wanted to fish there. We also plan to hit Watts Bar, TN River and some smaller bodies too. I was wondering if anyone can give me general info or as specific as you like about any recommended areas of these lakes or other lakes we should check out (patterns or just general areas to look around and some depths). It would help to have a general idea of where to start because these bodies of water are so big compared to what we are used to. If my guess is close, G-ville should be close to the spawn?? Any information is kept stricltly to myself and I will report back any results if you prefer. Any info would be greatly appreciated...


PM or [email protected] if you wish.
Brett, Welcome to the forum!!! You'll find a ton of VALUABLE reports coming in the next few weeks that should get you all ready for your trip.  If you want specifics on Guntersville feel free to PM me and let me know where you plan on putting in. 
bshaf, we have had colder-than-usuall weather, which, if continues, will push that spawn foward. But you should check here in the times that are getting close to your vacation, alot could happen in the next month.
"push the spawn forward"? </p>

Do you mean it will be earlier or later in the year?</p>

I would think the colder temps would push it back (delay it).</p>
for·ward (fôrwrd)
a. At, near, or belonging to the front or forepart; fore: the forward section of the aircraft.
b. Located ahead or in advance: kept her eye on the forward horizon.
a. Going, tending, or moving toward a position in front: a forward plunge down a flight of stairs.
b. Sports Advancing toward an opponent's goal.
c. Moving in a prescribed direction or order for normal use: forward rolling of the cassette tape.
a. Ardently inclined; eager.
b. Lacking restraint or modesty; presumptuous or bold: a forward child.
a. Being ahead of current economic, political, or technological trends; progressive: a forward concept.
b. Deviating radically from convention or tradition; extreme.
5. Exceptionally advanced; precocious.
6. Of, relating to, or done in preparation for the future: bidding on forward contracts for corn.
adv. or for·wards (-wrdz)
1. Toward or tending to the front; frontward: step forward.
2. Into consideration: put forward a new proposal.
3. In or toward the future: looking forward to seeing you.
a. In the prescribed direction or sequence for normal use: rolled the tape forward.
b. In an advanced position or a configuration registering a future time: set the clock forward.
c. At or to a different time; earlier or later: moved the appointment forward, from Friday to Thursday.
n. Sports
1. A player in certain games, such as basketball, soccer, or hockey, who is part of the forward line of the offense.
2. The position played by such a person.
tr.v. for·ward·ed, for·ward·ing, for·wards
1. To send on to a subsequent destination or address. See Synonyms at send1.
2. To help advance; promote. See Synonyms at advance.

Best thing for Brett is to just keep checking back, this time of year is to turbulent to predict what things are going to be like in a month. </p>
I might suggest that you fish Chickamauga Lake, rather than Watts Bar. Some might disagree, But, I think you will have better results. Unless, you want to catch,"trash fish". The Chick. seems to be a much more productive lake. You can tell that from the post. I don't think Drum king spends a lot of time on Watts Bar lake anymore emoCool ......My two cents....
They won't be spawning at that time but the fishing could be great. Water temps should be around 55 degrees which means the big girls will be staging around the main lake and deeper secondary points of larger creeks. Boat docks in deeper water should be holding fish close to those areas too.
The staging/prespawn is what I'm most interested. I think the checking back from time to time will help as suggested... just curious about presentation for the staging fish? Here in Pa we do well in March and april on suspending jerks and then moving to cranks... same situation for TN? And when you talk about chick? is that everything above the dam? including the areas like harrison bay state park? We fished from a launch last year, it was near a highway bridge that was under construction i believe... you guys have been a big help already. Also when you all talk about deep. what is deep secondary points or areas? my home lake, deep secondary points are 25-40 feet.
thanks already.

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