Fishing the Chick. w/2jigs 9/6........

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
2jigs picked me up from wolftever around 3pm and we headed straight to his"money hole". He told me to put on a Carolina rig w/ watermelon mag 2. Well they were there and within probably an hour we had boated 10 with only 2 being keepers. Well we packed up(he has a tourny tonight so he didn't want to over fish it) and headed up the lake and hit a few more spots with no luck at all. Just a few hits here and there. After that we headed back near his "money hole" and caught 4 more with 2 of them just coming up short on the measuring stick. We headed home right at dark. Not a bad evening at all and it was good to finally meet 2jigs.
There must be a ton of fish on the money hole if you can catch 14 on or near it just hours before a tourney. Way to go. Good report and I hope that all goes well in the tourney.emoGeezer
There are a ton of them stacked all around the area. I also forgot to say that the fish were all caught in about 6-9 feet of water.
Not too good on Thurs. But went back Fri. & I have never seen fish schoold up in the jumps like that. We had just left a spot after my partner got a 6.5Lber & we got 4 fish to go with him & in like 6-8 min. So we go to the $$$ hole & can you say ch-ching,we were only there for 10 min. & had 5 more keepers the biggest was 18 & 1/2 inches around 3.5Lbs. & the rest were around 16-17 inch. All & all an awsome evening. I just hope some are there Sat. morn for the fish & fun tourny.emoThumbsup I'll let you in on the bait"s & stuff Sat night.
Wow 2jigs, I got your message on my phone about fishing and I wish that I could have gone with you. Can you tell me what type of spot you are fishing that makes the fish stack up where they are? Have you seen the spot on the map and understand why they are there? PM me if you would like to talk about it. I would plan to never fish the spot but I am interested in understanding why the fish are stacking up where you are catching them and finding other spots that are similar. Let me know what you are thinking. By the way, have you gotten to look at that map that I gave you?