Fishing the Chick.

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2008
Central, Pa
As I posted a couple weeks ago... my trip is fast approaching. We will be staying in Cleveland and have only fished the chick once. If anyone could help us out by pointing the way to any areas that have some fish or just giving us an idea of what to target depth, cover??? I am assuming that we will be targeting generally shallow staging areas...mouths of coves and spawning areas, outside weed edges, channel edges, docks with traps, cranks, spinnerbaits, and some jigs maybe. If anyone could give us hints or some areas to check out and the closest launch, we would greatly appreciate it....

We are very open to fishing new waters so any suggestions on what to check out, feel free to let me know.

Also we would like to get after some cats... we have never done it at all so if anyone would be willing to guide us, let us know what you'd charge. you're boat or ours (17ft bass tracker crappie special with 40 merc.)

Thanks guys.

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