Flipping stick BPS 4 sale

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Fat Albert

Well-known member
May 11, 2006
<font color="#ff0033" size="4" face="comic sans ms,sand">OK,, guys and gals.....I have a BPS flipping stick for sale....in very, very great shape and needs some loving hands to hold it......7' 6" retractable.... and dang sure I don't need another rod...</font></p>

<font color="#ff0033" size="4" face="Comic Sans MS">bw, is about to go crazy with all the rods around here...give me a holler...first 60 bucks gets it... FAemoCool </font></p>
<font color="#ff0000" size="4" face="book antiqua,palatino">can't believe that someone hasn't jump all over this bargain......come on guys...FA</font>
<font color="#ff0033" size="5" face="comic sans ms,sand">OK, crap, does anyone want this nice rod for 40.00???? looks as if you all want me to give it away..... FAemoBang emoBang </font>
I'll take it for $40.00, unless you want to give it away and in that case I will gladly take it. emoPoke Jmax

I will stick a reel on it and hold it for the next charity event as a door prize or a big bass award. emoAngel

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