Flouro to braid...

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Jan 23, 2017
hixson, TN
When tieing flouro leader to braid.. Do you use same wieght Flouro line? Heavier weight Flouro line? Or Lighter weight Flouro line? Thanks in advance
Good Fishing to all!
I normally fish the 16 lb Sunline SX1 braid on my spinning reels, only reason I fish 16 lb is because it is that optic yellow color and I really like that and unless they have just started making it in 20 lb, then 16 is the highest the yellow comes in. Have tied everything on it from 6 lb floro to 20 pound floro they will both work just fine, just be very careful with your connection knots. I use the uni to uni knot and always tie it the same way. I always tie the braid part first and tighten it down just before the knot would be considered tied. Then I tie the floro side and only tie it to the point that it starts to tangle in the braid. I then wet both knots really well, and pull them together. You need to keep some tension on the tag end of the floro ( I use my teeth) as you pull them together, then as the knots touch, pull on the floro end some to tighten up more then the braid tag, then finally pull the knots tight together and you are done. Might be more info than you wanted, but I have had no issues with the uni knot and use it on other baits as well. It is a great floro knot in my opinion.
With the uni-uni knot, how many turns to yall make on the fluoro and braid? My fluoro often breaks or comes loose at the knot.
ok thanks for info.. i used 17 (equal to one rod in braid) and same 17lb. Fluoro on other rod with i think 12 lb braid. i feel that the P Line 100% Fluoro is a little stiff but we will see. I have come to like the Crazy Alberto Knot for my connections of two lines. guess ill see how the leaders do!! thanks for info
TNTall - 8/15/2018 9:05 AM

With the uni-uni knot, how many turns to yall make on the fluoro and braid? My fluoro often breaks or comes loose at the knot.

Normally, 6 wraps on the fluoro side and 8 wraps on the braid for me. Be sure to wet the knot and cinch it down slowly to keep from burning the fluoro.
I use 20-30lb braid to 8-12lb flouro and use the crazy alberto knot to link them. I use to use the uni to uni knot but have found I like this knot a whole lot better. I've never had it break and it comes through the smallest of guides with no issues. They always say to try and keep your lines close in diameter. For example when I use 20lb braid it is .23 mm and 8 lb invizx is .23mm also so it is perfect.
Crazy Alberto for me. I think a key is to slow down whatever knot you use when you first get started and set up the wraps and pull slow. I know in the beginning I was going too fast and my knots would break at the flouro knot. Once I slowed down and then got better at tying the knot I stopped having breaks. As far as diameter I try to match them pretty close but I'm not fanatic about them being exactly the same. I use 30lb braid and 15lb flouro on one rod and 20lb braid and 10lb flouro on the other.