FOCBA Monthly Meeting 3/5/9

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2006
East Ridge
We will be having our monthly meeting tomorrow night, March 5, at 7pm at the Chik-Fil-A on Battlefield Parkway. </p>


ZM, I got your email message. Please call me before coming out. We have already added more boats, but to be totally honest I am not sure you are the right fit for us. I will be glad to recommend where you might fit in. Of course, many of us would like to meet you.
Dropshot, I was just curious, what is the " RIGHT FIT" to belong to your Church Club ?
Since you seem to be newer to the forum (only 2 posts) feel free to do a search back on any of the posts by the imposter called ZenMaster. You will find a flurry of negativity and back-biting that is not welcome in ANY club, not just a Christian Club. I and someone from another club in which he has expressed interest has asked him to contact by phone several times and he refuses, choosing to attempt to create negativity and insert false statements when it is convenient. I think I know who the person is, and have been waiting for him to reveal his identity and 'man up" to his statements, but I seriously doubt it will happen. </p>

The only prerequisites we have for this club are a love to fellowship and Bass Fish as well as a drop of honesty and integrity.</p>

If you or he would like to call and talk to me feel free...423-504-7467. </p>
mgreen - 3/6/2009 11:36 AM

Dropshot, I was just curious, what is the " RIGHT FIT" to belong to your Church Club ?

emoEnforce I knew I would get some dummy to bite on that one...And actually Dropshot is right, I really just like to help fuel the fire and be a nuisance. And to be fair, FOCBA is a top notch club ran by some good guys that has been the victim of some bad circumstances and members. I am sure it will just get better and better.

If you got me figured out, then go ahead and see if you are right...All of you will probably be surprised.

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