I have not killed any booners, but I have planted some pretty plots! If you want to plant something that will bring deer to your stand durring season, as well as help heard health, plant a mix of iron & Clay peas mixed with Soybeans and corn. Its not too late at all!!! You can susbstitute the corn with millet or milo. I like Corn. As everything pops out of the ground the deer will selectively hammer the soybeans while the I/C peas will grow up into the corn creating a "jungle" of vines and vegatation. The deer will not get the peas until all the soys are eaten( Its usually bow season then) the deer will absolutely clean up the plot by the end of bow season and you will only have a few stalks of brown corn left. At that time ( late Sept-Mid Oct.) I turn the ground over and plant a mix of seed wheat, seed oats, and turnip greens. That gets the deer through the winter! This plot will work here in Hamilton Co. as well as on the plateau and its a good mix for the overall health of the deer. If you just want to plant a plot once every 3-5 years then the chicory and clover mixes are the way to go. Be sure to lime the crap of your plot every year!! The ground in this part of the country is acidic to say the least! Sorry, I had to jump on this thread!