found me a motor

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jon the fisherman

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2005
Rockwood, Tn
I know I had swore off used stuff, but I found a heck of a deal on a 225 promax. Went and looked at it yesterday, and it is spotless. It is owned by one of my Bro-in-laws friends, and hes has taken really good care of it. Not a drop of oil in the lower pan. We are going friday to check compression, and pull the heads off, so we can check the cylinder walls, and ring keeper pins. After what happened with my last motor, compression just dosn't seem to matter all that much. I had good compression on it, but #3 rod bearing and the crank were destroyed. I was thinking about rebuilding it, then I ran across this motor yesterday. I hope to be back on the lake by next week.
here she is, got her mounted today. I should have it running by the end of the week. I am going to change out fuel injector screens, water pump, gear lube, and some other preventative maintenance. Also need to find me another prop....preferably a 28p trophy


What kind of boat is that you have? You might want to try a 27 txp instead of a 28 trophy. It might just be my boat but a 28 trophy was the worst prop I have ever tried. It was scary bad. 27 trophy drove like a dream though. The 28 is a stern lifting prop and those aren't too good on most bass boats.

BS, I have a Norris craft, but it is a F/S model, so it is a little heavier. I am going to give a few props a try, and will keep your tip in mind. I also am going to mess with the engine hight a little, and may buy a few props for different uses
congrats on the new mota, i like them promaxes a whole lot better than them optis..

I have a 25p txp you are more than welcome to try, it's a three blade.

Happy rigging:)

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