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Well-known member
May 9, 2007
Sherwood, TN
This is the "eatinest" bunch that I've seen in a while, and what better day to celebate our independence than food (except maybe fireworks)?

So, let's hear what we're cooking today!!

I smoked 3 racks of pork ribs last night. Put 3 Boston butts and 2 whole chickens on at 8:30 last night, took them off a few minutes ago, and now I've put on a hugh beef roast and I've got some blue cat fillets that I'm going to smoke in a little while. I'm also going to cook 3 racks of ribs on the grill.

Have a safe and enjoyable Fourth!!! emoHungry
What time is this feast going to start? emoHungry
BTW, need directions to your house. emoBigsmile
my god man! how many people are you entertaining?And do you have room for two more?(me and cheez) emoLaugh emoToast sounds great bud!
Actually I would settle for pb&j at the house. I am in WV waiting for a part to arrive at the airport so I can get my machine running. Then I can head home and hunt some bbq.
Cheeze, from I-24, get off on Hwy 72, go south untill you get to stevenson, turn right and go to Sherwood, then follow your nose to Danny's house, can't miss it. Look for huge traffic jam and slobbering people. Bring a lawn chair and a roll of paper towels.emoLaugh

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