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Mar 7, 2006
What's the best procedure for fishing a weedless frog on grass mats? I've never seen an expert use one? Do you drag and pause, hop, or what? I've heard color isn't really a big deal because the basses don't see it much of the time.

Is braid preferred, or heavy monofilament line?

What type power/tip action rod is preferred?

What's the best brand frog ('can of worms' question)?

use a stiff rod ,braided line and a fast reel ,the retreive depends on the mood of the fish ,horny toads and some of the newer frog baits i use a slow steady retreive kinda like a buzzbait ,a frog like a scumfrog i use a stop and go retreive dont ask me its just a confidence thing .
I'll be fishing Guntersville the next 3 weekends. My setup is a 7'6" flipping stick, 65# Power Pro, and a Robby's Perfect Frog but I'm going to use a Spro Frog some too for the first time.. I pull the frog forward about 3-4 feet in a quick, not jerking motion. If you get a blowup on your frog, reel down until you feel the weight of the fish before you cross its eyes. I'm not the biggest fan of frog fishing but if you're gonna chase the big ones, that, along with a big worm on the grass edges, are the techniques of choice. The funniest thing about frog fishing can fish a mile of the mats without so much as a blowup. Then you come upon a 10 yard area that's holding fish and you can fill the boat in 5 casts. If you do get a blowup, stay around that area and fish it thoroughly. Target blow holes too.
Pointer what is the best frog you have found that is available locally? I've tried several and they all sink. Is there one that floats over the spiney leaf we have growning now in the chick? Let me know and I'll try them out.

I always used braid for frogs in heavy weeds. Normally I go 20 lb test or so. I find that an erratic, stop and retrive method works well. I always toss the frog, let it sit, jiggle it just a little, then ease if forward in a jumpin motion, with longer runs in between. I've also had a lot of success just reeling it at moderate speed, stopping and starting.
I'll tell ya Terry, I don't throw frogs in open water that float. They make them but I don't know where to pick them up. If I'm fishing open water I'll throw a Strike King Ribbit when there's a chop and a Zoom Horny Toad when the water's calm. Neither float. I've had success throwing both of these frogs over that type of grass. Just keep your rod tip high so it'll ride on top of the grass.
i agree with most folks on the big rod braided line and retrieves,i do however suggest that you thro it in open water also .a few yrs back several of us got our butts whacked by two guys throwing frogs over open water catching spawning fish.i routinely throw frogs of all sorts around bushes,docks,and laydowns.not only is it a good grass bait but works equally well when you need a weedless bait around lure snagging cover
Ditto on a stiff rod and braided line. For my 2 cents, I've had better results (or should I say luck) with a frog with a white or yellow belly.
Jerry, Terry if you want a floater try the seismic toad (floater), they make both. You have to be careful to get the right ones. Also Soddy did have the Ribbit high floaters.  The only thing I could add to that is to try the glass rattles in the zoom type frogs & glass beads & small bells in the sproo type frogs. Also if you put chap-stick on the fist foot or two of your braid it will help it float a little. Hope this helps.
2jigs - 9/10/2007 12:04 AM

Jerry, Terry if you want a floater try the seismic toad (floater), they make both. You have to be careful to get the right ones. Also Soddy did have the Ribbit high floaters.  The only thing I could add to that is to try the glass rattles in the zoom type frogs & glass beads & small bells in the sproo type frogs. Also if you put chap-stick on the fist foot or two of your braid it will help it float a little. Hope this helps.

Good advice Steve. When you say Soddy do mean Soddy Bait and Tackle? I've never been there so I don't even know if that is the right name or not.
Took the words out of my "mouth", just bought a pack of ribbit floaters but haven't tried them yet. The Spro frog floats pretty well too. When the weeds aren't all the way to the surface I actually like them to sink - keep the rod tip high and keep them chugging along the surface, every now and then stop it and let it do a slow sink for a few seconds, if it doesn't start swimming sideways then get it to the top and start it chugging along again. I also like swimming the regular ribbits just under the surface at times with a medium twitching action, they really look like a frog or some other critter? kicking along. Heading dow to the big Gun in a little over a week, can't wait...
terry if i remmeber right SMTC has the sizmic floaters and if i remember wrong
i am sure lee ann can get some in before you get back up there

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