fuel stablizer

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Jan 10, 2008
old fort,tn,,,now in wisconsin
my freind took pump gas.poured it into 2 jars,he added small amounts of water to each jar,he added the red fuel stablilizer and the green {marine} formula to each jar,{same stuff you can buy anywhere around here}after letting both jars settle for a period of time the amount of water was un-effected by either fuel stablizer!! i have been using startron which is suposed to seperate the oxygen and hydrogen to allow the water to mix with the fuel,i think i will run my own test to see if it works,i'll let you all know the results,i surely wont use stabill....
I had only heard about Sta-Bil's anti-gum and varnish properties for long-term storage. I don't believe that one of its main purposes is water removal. There are other products specifically for that problem.

From Sta-bil:

"STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer is America’s top selling fuel stabilizer. Stored fuel can go bad in as little as 30-60 days causing gum, varnish and corrosion to build up in the fuel lines and engine. STA-BIL is recommended to be used AT EVERY FILL UP in all vehicles and equipment to protect against corrosion caused by today’s Ethanol-blended fuels.

Marine Formula STA-BIL Ethanol Treatment & Performance Improver contains DOUBLE the corrosion preventers and more than FOUR TIMES the fuel system cleaner than in Regular STA-BIL to prevent against corrosion and deposit build up in Marine Engines. Use AT EVERY FILL UP to protect your boat or other marine equipment from the damaging effects of Ethanol in the marine environment.
Visit "The 411 on Ethanol" page for everything you need to know about the Ethanol in your fuel!"
ethanol loves water..i also went to there website and read it,good info,i'll try and see if i can get him to get some pic's of the test he did..take a look at startron.com and check it out,also some good info on all the ethanol blends fixin to hit gas stations this spring!! i think i got some green stabill in the shed,i'll include that in my little test....
Why not just put gas in your boat and vehicles that has no ethanol?
Lots of stations that sell ethanol free gas. It costs a few cents more but you will more than make up the difference in your gas mileage. Say nothing about the savings from the problematic ethanol junk. Then the red Stabil is all you will ever need.
thanks to the epa E-10 fuel AND E-15 fuel, eliminating "ethanol free" blends will soon be starting to filter in this up coming year,some stations out west already have it and you can chose 4-5 different e-blends all the way to e-85,this stuff will most likely be allright in automoblie industry because alot of newer cars and trucks are made to run on it..flex fuel vehicles..but not your and mine outboards..without possible problems
I hate to get on a rant but this really ticks me off!!! The stations that sell ethanol free gas have already dropped by over half this year. I don't run ethanol gas in my boat nor do I want to. It clearly states in my manual that ethanol based gas ( up to but not exceeding 10 %) can be ran but is NOT recommended. The stations in my area that still sell non ethanol gas are selling it for 10 to 15 cents more per gallon than the stations with ethanol. I guess all of us that don't have a motor thats a year or two old are either going to have to stop fishing or spend 18 grand on a new motor that will burn 15% or higher ethanol gas because our lovely government is going to shove it down our throats and force us to buy it. So much for fair competition and freedom of choice!!!!
stratos21xl - 12/12/2010 7:14 PM

I hate to get on a rant but this really ticks me off!!! The stations that sell ethanol free gas have already dropped by over half this year. I don't run ethanol gas in my boat nor do I want to. It clearly states in my manual that ethanol based gas ( up to but not exceeding 10 %) can be ran but is NOT recommended. The stations in my area that still sell non ethanol gas are selling it for 10 to 15 cents more per gallon than the stations with ethanol. I guess all of us that don't have a motor thats a year or two old are either going to have to stop fishing or spend 18 grand on a new motor that will burn 15% or higher ethanol gas because our lovely government is going to shove it down our throats and force us to buy it. So much for fair competition and freedom of choice!!!!

<font size="7">AMEN!!!!!!!!!</font>
I have learned over the years it is easier to just not stop fishing. emoBigsmile That way the gas does not sit up over the winter and gum up your engine. emoTongue

I do however put Stabil in my two four wheelers, my tractor, my push mower, my chainsaw, my blower and my bass boat in the winter. emoThumbsup It seems to start them better when I do. May be me just thinking that but the times I have not they seem to be harder to start. emoGeezer Jmax
I agree with stratos21xl. I've been using the 100% gasolene and I've noticed it's getting harder to find everywhere. I think that the 10% and 15% is on the way and that will be the norm!
Keep in mind very unlikely but very possible.......

Most of those chemicals do not remove water but make them soluable to mix with the fuel. The problem you have with trying to mix them is that is will mess with your fuel ratio. Your gasoline engine is designed to run on a air/fuel ratio of 14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel. We all know what happens to 2 stroke engines when they run lean. They melt pistons. So if you have water in your fuel and you add something to make it blend with the fuel (and of course depending on how much water you have) you will effect the air to fuel ratio. You will have the same amount of air coming in and less fuel due to the fact it is a water/fuel mixture. So you take a risk of damaging your engine. Just my .02

Water will settle to the bottom of the tank. If you let it sit at a angle (towards the sending unit) for several hours you can (on most boats) remove the sending unit and extract only the water from the tank and the rest of the fuel will be water free. I have done this several times. On some boats it is next to impossible to get to them.

Here is some reading on E10 and water.
On ship shape this wknd they had an additive called formula X2. They did the same test with water in the glass jar. The red additive still separated and the formula X2 never separated and was supposed to prevent the ethanol from breaking down the fuel lines. The product is expensive I think $15 for 8oz bottle. I had to replace all my fuel lines on my 96 ranger due to the ethanol breaking down the lines and sending sludge to the fuel filter.
The same as stated above. It just makes the water soluable and able to mix with the fuel. So it is not actually removing it. It has detergents to help protect against breakdown, not removing ethanol. Here is their site. They have the video at the bottom.


I guess I need to do the same test with sea-fom and Berryman's as they remove water as well.
<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">In these days of questionable fuel supplies and whetherto add additional additives. It would just be wise to add an in-line water/fuel separator, spin-on filter type. Also do the maintenance when you are supposed to so you are not standing in the dark at 2 in the morning worrying about whether your filter or some other part might freeze and bust. This way if the unit is installed correctly you will not be getting water to your two stroke or having to worry about fuel ratios. That is if the fuel was mixed correctly to begin with. Fuel/water seperators and the filters are not cheap, except they are a lot cheaper than a engine rebuild.</font>
What is the recommended no. of gallons, months, or use of fuel though the fuel/water separator filter before replacing it? Thanks.
<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">Everyone is different. It should be discussed in the literature about the proper time to change. But if I was worried about a specific load of fuel I probably would change the filter earlier just to be sure.</font>
only two or 3 100% gas stations lef ton the north side, got the best milage i have ever gotten on a tank of straight gas , hate to see it go !