GA Archery Season

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Jun 24, 2011
Ga archery season is opening soon. Are all you hunters ready to fling some arrows? I know I am. Can't wait to get back out in the woods and start chasing those whitetails. emoUpsmile emoUpsmile
Trying to find a bow!!! If any of y'all know of one for sell, let me know. I want something that was made within the last 4-5 years
some1 on here was selling 1 not 2 long ago might try looking at the classifieds. oh yeah and u know im ready to let the carbon fly. Just gotta find something to let 1 loose on. we cant all be like u Bill. emoWorthy emoToast
grayson_garrett - 8/14/2011 11:01 AM

Trying to find a bow!!! If any of y'all know of one for sell, let me know. I want something that was made within the last 4-5 years

There was a guy on here with a Bowtech Guardian for 450. Thats a pretty good buy and a good bow.
Grayson, I have a Matthews Outback that I'm thinking of selling. Has added TRU GLO sights and comes with arrows. It's a very nice bow and ready to hunt/ shoot with arrows included. I was ging to use it again this year but I am going back to my High Country. Just IM me and I can send you some pics.
mshipman - 8/14/2011 9:50 PM

i'm ready just not much extra time. hope to connect with a bear

Me too got a friend at work whose parents live at the foot of grassy mtn. They have 3 or 4 bears visiting their backyard. He said I could come take a crack at them if I wanted. I think I will take him up on his offer.
Squirrel Monkey - 8/14/2011 5:10 PM

Anyone know some good places to hunt in ga or some land to lease.

There are alot of good WMA's. Cohutta WMA has some great Bear hunting but some of the other ones have really good deer hunting. Here are some of the ones that I like Redlands, Di - lane, John's mtn, Coosawattee, Pigeon Mtn, Cedar creek and Big Dukes. Take some time to learn some of these and you will be successful.
Squirrel Monkey - 8/14/2011 5:10 PM

Anyone know some good places to hunt in ga or some land to lease.

I would suggest Pigeon Mtn. WMA. That place is full of deer and some really good bucks as well. Or you could just hunt some of the National forest if you dont want to pay for a WMA stamp.
I have access to hunt a place in North Georgia for the first time this year, plan on taking my son with me opening weekend, we are both ready to fling an arrow. If it is brown, it is down. Just last week our family finished off the last of the 3 deer we harvested last season....Hoping to put a couple in the freezer early this year.
Ive got a brand new Preditor crossbow im dying to give a try,,,
and hopefully on a Bear next month...
Nothing much on the trail cam yet, a couple of 6's,and I have got a ton of newborns around,,,
I got the Martin Cheetah about a month ago, and i know im ready to sling some arrows. Hope to get me one with a bow this year. Closes i ever got to killin a deer with a bow was 2 years ago i got half drawn on a doe. But this year i got a feelin im gonna bust ones lungs. Seen some nice deer at my salt licks. About to plant my food plot too. Gonna try to get in the stands every day or ever free hour i got. And if anyone has any tips about bow huntin please PM me and tell me cause im just now startin to really bow hunt hard. Plus if someone can send me the season dates for Dade County it would help me alot. I aint seen what the season dates are yet but i think im gonna need to know them. Im ready to fill the freezers again. We eat all ours up when the tornados come through cause the power was off a while and we didnt wanna loose the meat. Wish yall all the best of luck this year!

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