Gary Alverson passed away last night.

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
Hooterville or Ooltewah
Moses and I heard it this morning. I was in the Chattanooga Bass Club for 11 years back in the "70's and 80's with Gary. He was a great sportsman and fisherman. He also won a BASS event in Fl. Sorry for the bad news.
Gary was a great guy and a wonderful person. I'm gonna miss the heck out of him. They would do anything for anyone. Hopefully he is catching some big fish up there as we speak.
Sad news for sure, one of the best guys to talk to about fishing or anything for that matter. Gary was a great man and had all sorts of great stories.
Man I Worked for Gary off and on for Years He was a Great Man to Work for and all around Nice Guy Never got to share a boat with him but did Fish a couple of Tx. Against him. Prayers for the Family.