Generator, Chick, Bass, 6-2—6-8, Wife

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Jun 1, 2016
Well the wife and I spent a week on check. Water was up then down then back up. First afternoon they where pulling 103,000 cfs they where shallow. Wife caught her new p.b. 8.8lb large mouth on a jig. We had 40 fish that afternoon. The water was up and down and the fish moved with it. We found lots of fish in creeks in grass that would smoke a crankbait and chatter bait each day. Bout Tuesday the water cleared some and we fished that night. It was a fun night. Best five close to 28 lbs. we fished mid day and nights the rest of the week. All fish at night where killing a Soddy custom tackle spinner bait. The fish seemed to be on early ledges kinda like they are after the spawn but by Thursday they moved off that. I found them on main river ledges eating the new swim baits that Soddy custom tackle are making. We went ledge fishing Friday and had one of those swim baits in my had all day. If your looking for a good swim bait go check them out. They are the best swim baits I’ve used. They last fish after fish. Mark and Brad are top notch guys. They don’t try to sell you baits cuz they need to move them they sell you what the fish are eating.

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