Giant wind-farm in Northern Indiana?

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
Just curious who has seen the windfarm along interstate 65 just north of Lafayette? We drove by it twice this past weekend and it is a pretty interesting thing.

I have my own thoughts about the politics of it, Im just talking about the engineering feat to put that many towers up.

You can see them from Google earth is you zoom in.,-86.943398,6769m/data=!3m1!1e3
I have seen them. Have you seen them at night? IL has a bunch too, at night you go by and the red lights on top of them all are synced and flash on and off as same time. Can see them for miles in the flatlands there...
and oh, did you see them on the way to get your new boat?? I went thru Oshkosh Sunday night about 11pm and thought about
I took a trip to California a few yrs ago (not sure why), and they were everywhere. Looks like something aliens planted.
SpurHunter - 6/24/2014 9:28 AM

Just curious who has seen the windfarm along interstate 65 just north of Lafayette? We drove by it twice this past weekend and it is a pretty interesting thing.

I have my own thoughts about the politics of it, Im just talking about the engineering feat to put that many towers up.

You can see them from Google earth is you zoom in.,-86.943398,6769m/data=!3m1!1e3

"A September 2013 report from the (ahem) Associated Press indicated that 67 bald eagles were killed at wind farms during the previous five years — "but the figure could be much higher." To be fair, Smith did note that "An Associated Press investigation in 2013 found that the Obama administration has charged oil companies for drowning birds in their waste pits, and power companies for electrocuting birds on power lines, but it has taken little if any action against wind-energy companies, shielding them from liability." But now the shield has been formalized.

Friday morning at National Review's The Corner blog, Veronique de Rugy made points the AP's Smith "somehow" overlooked to emphasize the nature of the break the California wind farm is receiving (links are in original):

Under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the felony killing of a bald eagle is punished by a fine of $250,000 and prison time. The authorities are taking the killing seriously. Well, sort of. As it turns out, not everyone is equal under the do-not-kill-bald-eagles law. If you happen to be a favored industry like say, a wind farm, you could get a get-out-of-jail-free card after killing up to five bald eagles if you request a permit and the feds grants it.

... Bald eagles watch out, turns out, you are not that special after all. That’s a lesson some <u><font size="2">888,000 bats</font></u> and <u><font size="2">573,000 birds</font></u> had to learn back in 2012.

Paraphrasing Orwell, it would appear that some forms of energy are obvious more equal than others."