'Going Deep' on the Chick/Bass/7-1

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2005
First off, I would like to say that you die-hard deep fisherman have my respect! The pleasure boat crowd blows away anything I've ever seen on the Hiwassee...my legs think I'm still on the water! Anyway, we put in at Wolftever right at 9am and headed out into Harrisson Bay where we took a left on the main river. For the first two hours, we zig-zagged along the channel edge and along several points while sipping coffee and staring at the graph. When we finally came across something that looked worth fishing, I tossed out the marker and we circled back. On my first cast, I hauled in someones broken off c-rig. On the second, a fat 3lbr! Thinking we were 'all that', we threw at that brush pile for over an hour and from every angle imaginable and did not get another bite. I went on a hunch and assumed that the depth of the brushpile, 14', was a good depth to continue our search. About an hour later we found another one on the opposite side of the channel. After a couple casts, I finally made contact with it and ended up with my best largemouth of the year so far, 5lbs 15ozemoCool! While I'm weighing it and making every attempt to make sure that everyone on the lake is witness to my feat, my father-in-law lands one a few ounces over 3lbs. Several casts later, I caught one around 2 1/2lbs and then I got my brand new jig snagged up. With the boat bouncing up and down and side to side, it was impossible to retrieve and I was forced to break it off. While I'm retying, my father-in-law gets hung up and breaks off as a yacht passes within feet of us. Besides having to be back in Cleveland by 4, both of us were on the verge of strangling the next pleasure boater we saw, so we headed back to Woftever.
Almost forgot, I caught my three on a 1/2 Jewel football jig in green pumpkin/gold flash with a matching Yum craw trailer. My father-in-law caught his on a t-rigged Zoom Mag II in red shad.
Great job Jason. Now you can see how some of these guys set up a milk run and catch those big bags. They mark those kind of places on GPS and just go from one to the next all day.
Way to go Jason! Did you get a pic or are you like me and never have a camera when you need one? I haven't been out on the water this weekend because of the pleasure boaters. I gonna try and hit it early Monday morning but when it gets to be around 10 or so I am heading back home. Were you using a jig the entire time? What color seemed to be working? How fast were you fishing it?
the pleasure boaters were crazy last night!I had not one but two of those big cabin cruisers run within spitting distance of me right before sundown at full speed!Just waving like idiots!I worked my way back into the cove we fished on friday night only to find three of them back there having a party complete with fifty cent and nelly cranked up as loud as it would go! "show me your grill" was the final straw, I hate popular rap music Gimme some old school gangsta rap I might have stuck around for a little while:)
Good report Jason. I am glad you found some deep. Sometime it pays off to just ride around and look for cover and structure.emoThumbsup

Ranman, I feel ya brother. I can't stand the cRAP.
Unfortunately, we don't have GPS, just very detailed notes. It will still take a little searching to find the precise locations again.

Fishinfool: I did not cast anything other than a green pumpkin jig...same one Mike McClelland just won a Elite tourney with.
That's great work there jason. I love to find new spots like that but I just don't tend to spend much time like that, I just go to the 'ol holes that I know most of the time. This late summer and fall I'm going to spend more time fishing deep and finding cover on structure.