Going in the morning.(Report added)

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Feb 5, 2023
After the slow fishing day I had Wednesday I will be out in the woods in the morning looking for one more. :) I have two in the freezer so one more will do me good all year for 2010 in deer burger and minute steaks. emoHungry Just got off the phone with my good friend Churly and he was getting ready to head for the mountians tonight and set up camp tonight. emoEek Too cold and too late for me to be messing with a tent. He said he has a heater for his tent and will be nice and toasty. emoTongue I guess my age is showing, my heater is snuggling up to my better half for a good night sleep, being in a nice soft bed, getting up in the morning and driving to the woods. These young guys can rough it on the hard ol'ground in a sleeping bag. emoTskTsk Any other idiots going to be out in the woods or on the lake in the morning. My better half is going to go after Christmas shopping so I am making myself scarce. emoGoofy Jmax
Re: Going in the morning.

I'm hitting the water in the morning, we went on x-mas eve morning and it the bite was off to say the least,we'll try it again tomorrow. My boy got a shiny new Shimano rod and reel this morning, he can't wait to try it out.

Good luck in the woods.
RE: Going in the morning.

MAN!!! It was cold trying to sit still on the stand this morning. Frost was everywhere and the cold morning was slow to warm. I got in the tree right about seven and watched the morning come alive. Lots of squirrels this morning but the deer have either been shot out or run out of where I hunt. Either that or they moved last night and stayed down this morning.

At 10:30 I saw movement of a deer about 200 yards out and she was coming my way. I scoped her in but decided to not take another doe. I settled back into the stand to watch her and you would have thought she was on a string and I was pulling her in. emoSmile She moved back and forth in and out of the underbrush but all the time coming closer. I eased back and froze in place realizing she was going to be right under me. She made me but could not figure out what I was. After a stare off she decided I was O.K. and kept coming. To my amazement she went right under me. I could have spit on her. About four feet from the base of the tree I was in. emoBigsmile Nice to see a pretty doe that close up.

That was to be the only deer I saw this morning but still nice to be out in the woods. I left at noon. emoThumbsup Jmax
Good report! Deer camp is not so bad. I sleep on an air matress in a tent that stays in the 80 degree range. I'm usually sleeping on top of the covers.

We had a slow weekend as all the deer movement was in the late afternoon/ evening hours. Saturday was the best for me as walked into a ladder stand that evening I saw a couple of does moving just uphill of me. I snuck into the stand and as the vening progressed more and more deer filtered out of the thicket above me. Never made a positive ID on a buck but I counted at least a dozen bodies that night. I believe the rut is long gone on my place and I may be done with the plateau and focusing on the southern plateau/ Franklin County for the remainder of the season.