Got a new Glock!

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Nov 25, 2007
East Brainerd
I bought a pawn shop special Jiminez Arms 9mm about 4 years ago, and as it was my first gun purchase I was going on looks alone. I had no idea what a piece of crap I had just purchased. It jams in a variety of ways about every 3rd round and it sadly has been my home defense weapon for while, because if I was going to buy another pistol it was going to be a good one and good ones are expensive!

I decided on a Glock awhile back and look hard at one in .45 acp but I decided to go with the Glock 17 in 9mm because I will soon be purchasing a kel-tec sub 2000 chambered in 9mm and the magazines are interchangeable between those two weapons. I loaded it with Winchester Supreme Elite +P ammo, and I was wondering, since the magazine will always be loaded, how many rounds can I keep in the magazine without doing long term damage to the spring? I put 12 rounds (holds 17) in and would like to put in more but don't want to mess up the spring. What should I do?


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You'll love the Glock. Not real pretty or flashy, but they work. Every time. I've had my model 22 .40 cal since I turned 21 and have fired thousands of rounds through it. Haven't had the 1st ounce of trouble yet.
As for the spring in the mags, all of my mags stay completely full at all times. Still stiff when I reload. Hasn't softened up one bit.
As a former deputy, my advice is always keep full mags and 1 racked. The Glock guns and mags are tough, no worries in the springs. In my years of law enforcement I never heard or seen a thing bad about the Glock, unless your the recipient and you get "Glock-coma"! Just don't over oil and keep clean. After cleaning you always want to be able to hear the firing pin move freely by shaking it. This was the only problem I've seen in the past where people over oiled and got oil or debri into the firing pin area.
i have 2 17's and i keep 15 in the mag and 1 in the pipe and have 3 extra mags they each have 16 in them i swap out the rounds every 3 months and never never never oil a mag if it gets dirty wash it out and take an airhose and blow it out till it is dry or you can use a </p>

hairdryer but dont oil the mags it will cause them to jam hope this helps if you washe one out use warm dish washing soap then 90+ alcohol it want leave any thing behindemoUSA </p>
I was watching one of those tactical gun shows a while back. They said to load one less than the maximum. Congratulations on the new Glock. They are great guns.
I've got a 17 round mag for my 17 that has been loaded pretty much for 6 years straight. I unload the HP rounds and use it for practice every once in a while. No issues. Older mags might have issues but with todays materials its fine.

I'd sell that Saturday night special before it blows up in your hand or gets you killed. Maybe if you get lucky you could get enough $ to buy an extra mag for the Glock emoPoke
I leave all my mags full. I have a 22,23,27,35 and numerous extra magazines. They all stay full with no problems at all.

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