Got a shovel? You've got an AK!

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Rollcast - 12/10/2012 6:08 PM

Rather unique. However, he has just broken federal laws. You need a federal license to manufacture a firearm.

Bullshit. Shows how much you don't know about firearms law.

The action is what is considered the firearm- not the barrel, stock/stocks/grip or anything else. I held an FFL for several years as a gunsmith so I had to know the laws- federal and state. Went back and looked at the video- home safe with the action already made.
Rollcast - 12/16/2012 12:48 PM

The action is what is considered the firearm- not the barrel, stock/stocks/grip or anything else. I held an FFL for several years as a gunsmith so I had to know the laws- federal and state. Went back and looked at the video- home safe with the action already made.

I'm not talking about any stocks either and don't really care you HELD an 07 FFL to repair firearms, you're still WRONG.

Building an AK from scratch is perfectly legal. The atf doesn't care if you make your own receiver out of a rusty piece
of shovel or if you use a pre made receiver flat like this, as long as you add a serial number and your name and address to the receiver

If you ever decide to sell your home made build, you are required to pay the 11% excise tax on the total sale price to the US Treasury.

End of story!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be my last post on this- to manufacture a firearm, you are required to have a manufacturer's license. Call the BATFE and see what is required.