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Feb 18, 2009
Sale Creek
One of these days, I'm gonna go see the guys at Fish n Fun and get a HDS 5 or 7 for my console and may get the SI with it. In the meantime, I'd like to get a better unit for the front of my boat. I'm fishing with antiques, so anything will be an improvement, but wanted to see if I could get some suggestions. I definitely want GPS. Is color important for the graphs? I want something that I can trust and any help would be appreciated. Thanks and see ya on the water.....Jim
What kind of money you looking to spend? HB has a couple in the 500 series that have built in GPS and are color units. Personally, I prefer the color units. I bought a 798 for the console and I love it. When I replace the one on the TM, it will definitely be a color model.

Good luck and keep us posted.
I am not trying to hijack this thread, but just curious if anyone has had a gps/fishfinder on a pontoon boat...
If so, were there any major differences because of the pontoon vs. Bass boat?
Just starting to do some research...
I currently have a HB 160 fishfinder and nothing on the TM.

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