Guys, its time for our big bass classic. This is not a points based tournament. It is open to anyone who wants to fish it. This is just our big tournament and we like to call it the classic. We are guarnteeing $3000 for first place. June the 28th at lake weiss. We are putting in at hawgs den. The entry fee is $120.00. 100% payback and more. You must register at the store by the 26th of June. Cash or check no credit card. Skeeter Real money will be available. This is our biggest tournament of the year and the pay out will be excellent. We already have 19 boats signed up prior to me posting this. Plenty of door prizes and goodies to be given away as well. If im not mistaken we had 96 boats last year in this tournament. If you have any questions give me or kevin a call at the shop 706-278-5598. Thanks J.P. emoAngler