Graphs cut out.

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
Why is it that when I shut down my then restart my motor, my graphs shutdown. Ground issue or what?</p>

I have had that happen on two past boats I have owned. One time it was a bad connection, and the other time it was a unit that had leaked water on the inside. It was shorting everytime I restarted the motor.
Has to be the connection then. Will they cut back on after you repower them? The bad thing is that when they automatically shut down it is like having to force shutdown a computer. I had one on the bow of a boat that was wired to the main power switch on the console. I would forget to power it down and just cut-off the power switch. After awhile it became useless. I am sending you a pm with another message.
Billy , mine does that when the battery is low....might need charging.
Found out last night that the battery I have isnt big enough to handle everything on it. I have a marine Deka but the wrong one. So...Gotta buy a bigger battery now or just add another small one for the graphs. Have to ask momma first. :)

Thanks for the replies.
Charge your batteries and adjust your dickfer. Should clear it right up
Hagen - 2/24/2010 9:28 AM Charge your batteries and adjust your dickfer. Should clear it right up

Dickfer...Dont you ride with one of those?</p>

emoBigsmile </p>
Voltage spike from the pull of the starter.....robs the necessary juice from everything hooked to the batt.... electronics especially sensative to the spikes/ drops...a bigger well charged battery will probably help. I`m thinking about hooking mine to the trollers.
I talked to Rogie about that but without a stealth system, most likely as the trolling motor batteries wear down, it would do the same thing.

I'm going to try a bigger crank battery then if I need to, another small one.

Nothing like having battery issues on the water. ;)
BBass - 2/23/2010 8:39 PM

Why is it that when I shut down my then restart my motor, my graphs shutdown. Ground issue or what?</p>


I'd say that its the amp draw of when you start your motor. Electronics will zap the battery during use. Be sure to trickle charge the cranking battery when its parked and if possible get a 1000 cranking amp battery. They have a lot of reserve hours. emoThumbsup
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