
Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2005
With the upcoming tourney, we figured we had better do some prefishing within a quick run from the launch site. We had discussed running up past the 58 bridge on the Hiwassee but with the price of gas decided to stay a little closer for this one. I had picked out three spots that were very productive last year and we quickly found that the first two were occupied. When we got to the third, there was not a boat to be found, which surprised me because I figured it was a community hole. It is a large 2-3 acre grassy hump with laydowns scattered all over it in 10-12 feet of water. The bite was extremely strong...too bad it wasn't the day of the tourneyemoLaugh! With cloudy skies and a pretty good breeze, the bass were roaming and wanted something moving. The most productive lures of the day were a Speed-Trap and a Mann's -4, although we caught quite a few on swimming worms and jigs. Out of 27 bass, we ended up with 11 over 15" with the average weight between 2 1/2-3lbs and the largest at 4.03lbs. Will it hold up for next week? And will we have the spot for ourselves? It's going to be a looooong week emoBigsmile!
Dang jason. Does the Cutthroat Lure Comapany and Dixie Jig Works prize pack already have your name on them??

Nice day man. Looking forward to seeing you next w/e.

Being new to the whole "Let's take a picture!" deal, I did not consider the fact that many of you may recognize the location from the background. If you do, keep your mouth shut and we'll share the spot with you on Saturday;).

RR, I'm confident in a limit, that's it. Without any time spent fishing the morning bite, I'm going to refrain from any trash talking!
Nice fish and report jason. It looks like there is a favorite already for the tournament. Do you know what the temp was in Grasshopper. I swam tonight in Wolftever and there was just barely cooler water at about 14-15 feet, very warm to that depth. I figure that the thermocline in Wolftever is 14 feet or deeper. Most of the better fish should be at that depth or deeper I would expect at least in Wolftever.
I never checked the water temp, however, anytime we wandered deeper or shallower than 10-12 feet we stopped getting bit.

Polo, I'm not into the whole superstition thing, but each time you've hinted at a possible stellar performance from me at a CFF event, I've bombed. There goes my goodie-bag of Cutthroat and DJW luresemoPoke.
I had a good fish the week before one of the tournaments and I bombed too. Jmax and I talked about it last night, God has a way of keeping us humble you know? I'm big into the humble pie slices myself.