salecreekaviator - 7/14/2008 10:53 AM
A friend showed me a trick for small mouthed fish like bream that have swallowed a hook. I could not believe it but it worked and he says it works 80-90% of the time. He called it the "old Indian Stick Trick". He took a small stick and wrapped the line right outside the mouth about 3 or 4 times around the stick . Then he slid the stick in the fish's mouth. While sliding the the stick inside the mouth he continued to slowly spin the stick so the line inside the fish would wrap around the stick also. When he felt resistance he knew he had wrapped all the line inside the fish around the stick. Then he pointed the stick up in the air (at this time the fish was tail up with the stick in its mouth) and did a quick flip of the wrist. The fish popped off the stick instantly and cleanly with the hook and line wrapped around the stick. No bleeding, nothing. If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believed it. I will try it for myself the next time the situation occurs. Surely some of you have seen this before???