GREAT NEWS! NRG has first interview Monday !

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2006
GREAT NEWS! I have my first interview Monday !

I left the computer buis 2.5 years ago when the gas prices shot up after 15 yrs , I was doing service work for Dell, Lexmark, and HP .. I was offered a job for less money but it got me off the road, I was driving 300 miles a day in my car, and gas was killing me, the millage they paid was no where near enough.

I took the job it was in a field I had never done before ( manufacturing industrial resistance welders ) but the job was offered to me by a fishing partner , it got me off the road, but now I'm laid off and desperate to find a job.

As it turns out this was the first resume I emailed, and the first to respond back, its with a Computer Company that does IT work for medium businesses to large business here in my home town of Chattanooga, Tn

And it pays more than I made with my previous employer ! God please let me get this job!
This would make my life so much easier!

Thank you god if for nothing else , for the interview!
fischnrod - 1/9/2009 2:43 PM

Thats good news, now show us the finished boat!!!!!!!!

I will finish the boat , with or with out a job, good thing about being laid off I have lots of time to do projects, bad thing is no money to buy stuff for the projects
That is great news Sean. Hope you get the job.emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoThumbsup

I'm praying that you land the computer job. I was really sad to see you get laid off, but I know God will take care of you!

Best of Luck,
Thank You all .. if you ever have a problem or a care, the CFF family is there to prop you up, no matter what the issue , bring it here for lots of caring support from great people!

And Thanks James aka ( Choo Choo Snake Man ) for the great letter of recommendation, I have a few of those but yours by far is the best one I've ever received! I will miss the Snow Crew had lots of fun there, and they too prop you up when the things are down, even Chip came up to me and said that all I had to do was call If I needed any thing I was shocked ! Hes a big ol Goober!
Here is a big Hug emoGrouphug for all there at TJ Snow .. I hope that business picks up and no more get laid off!
Hang in there NRG, take comfort in knowing that the "Will of God" will not lead you into anything that the "Grace of God" will not see you through. Trust in him and just remember if it does not happen there will be another. emoAngel Jmax

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