Greg Davis Benefit Tournament October 19th, 2013.

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
<font size="3">On July 15th, two of our fellow fisherman encountered some huge waves from a wake boat. They were traveling at speeds approaching 75 miles per hour and the boat was sent airborne. As the boat and anglers crashed back into the water, the passenger Greg Davis was critically injured. Thanks to the quick response and heroic actions of other fisherman in the area, he and his brother Jason were safely pulled from the water. Greg was airlifted to the Hospital. He suffered several spinal fractures, a ruptured spleen, collapsed lung and internal bleeding. He spent several days in the hospital and had surgery to repair his injuries. He is back home and his prognosis for recovery is bright. HALF of the battle has been fought.

<font size="3">The heroic action needs to continue. Greg and his family face staggering medical bills and loss of income. His recovery is in process but he still needs more time to recover. Unable to work and earn, he faces an uncertain financial future. The reality of a tragedy is that it doesn't magically stop when you leave the hospital. Imagine facing the world after you get home, the stress of unpaid bills, the feeling of helplessness you would surely feel. This is when heroic action is turned into compassion. When the best in all of us shines through. A few men, all of them anglers, have stepped up and said I want to help this family find a way through this dark time in their lives.</font></p>

<font size="3">On October 19, 2013, a benefit tournament will be held at 58 Boat dock on Highway 58. </font><font size="3">We want to make this as affordable and accessible as we possibly can. Plenty of parking at the county ramp just across the bridge from 58 Boat Dock. Put in come on over and sign up. Or you can put in at 58 boat dock and sign up. The weigh-in will be held held at 58 boat dock.</font></p>

<font size="4">7:30am to 2PM </font>

<font size="4">Entry Fee $25 per person. </font></p>

<font size="4">Optional $5 Big Fish. </font></p>

<font size="3">60% payback for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.</font> (If you want to donate your winnings it will be gladly accepted.)</p>

<font size="4">5 fish limit </font></p>

<font size="4">15 inch Spotted and Largemouth Bass.</font></p>

<font size="4">18 inch Smallmouth. </font></p>

<font size="4">1 pound penalty for dead fish</font>. </p>


<font size="3">Contacts:</font></p>

<font size="3">Tom Helton 423-284-3419</font></p>

<font size="3">Mitch Harden 423-322-2956</font></p>

<font size="3">Chuck Webb 423-284-0700 </font></p>


<font size="4">Anyone wanting to donate money, provide prizes or assist at the event is welcome to contact any of the fine men above. </font>


UPDATE: This morning, Greg was rushed back to the hospital for surgery. One of the broken ribs worked loose and re-punctured his lung.
That is one of the same days as the CFF Classic. Maybe some of us who fish the CFF classic might donate a few bucks to what is a really good cuase. emoAngel Jmax
I just looked the directions up on mapquest and my guess was pretty good.

18.7 miles from the Wolftever ramp up to 58 Boat Dock.

I have received some PM's wanting directions.

From Wolftever/Harrison bay on 58 Highway:

Take 58 highway all the way up to the Hiwassee River Bridge. After you cross the Bridge, 58 Boat dock is on the right side of the road.