Greg Lamb Surgery

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers for my dad during his open heart surgery today! The surgery went very well and he is doing great! Please continue to pray for him and a speedy recovery!

Thanks so much,
Dang, didn't know anything was wrong with him. Hope he gets back on his feet soon!
Glad to hear it went well. emoAngel I was thinking about him all day, glad you let us know. I knew he was going under the knife today and to win that night CBA this past weekend was good timing, so he could quality for the classic if by some chance he can fish it. emoThumbsup I will pray for a very speedy recovery for him. Jmax
That is great news! We will be thinking and praying for you all Haden. Maybe the doctor should tell him not to throw a frog for a few months just as a caution anyway! lol
Hang in there little buddy, you've been tough all your life, as I've known you every since you were a pup. Evelyn & I are praying for your speedy recovery. "slick"
Good to hear things went well, prayers for you and your family, thank you Hayden for the update.