Agreed. A slippery slope leading into deep water...
While I still feel that all guides should meet a minimum standard, having only a specific group be required to purchase a guide license is very questionable.
Jim has a good question too, what does constitute a guide? In my opinion, it would be one who guides, aids or assists another person for pay or other consideration in the taking of fish. That is what came to my mind.
I know this is in response to the N.C. guides coming into N.E. TN to guide the trout streams. While I feel that something should be done, I think it should be done equally for all guides. However, I don’t see the commission requiring guide licenses for all the crappie guides out on Reelfoot, or the striper guides and black bass guides all over TN.
I may just have to become a snail darter guide just for the cool guide license!