gun stores in the area

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2006
I was wondering if you guys know of a gun store that carries lots of used firearms. Every store I go to has 2 or 3 used ones. I was hoping to find one that had quite a few to choose from.
Certain Areas Downtown , ask guys standing on the corners , hey man you got any guns for sale ? or know where I can get ( Insert Gun Type here )
I need more guns, now you may be occasionally offered other things to buy besides guns, but I'll bet you can find what ever you want and cheaper than in a store, hey and no pesky paper work either!
Craig, i used to buy a bunch of guns from Ray Judge's gun shop in winchester, tn year's a go, I don't know if they are still in business or not, Spurhunter might know.</p>
and remember if you live in TN, which im guessing you do you have to buy handguns in Tennessee, unless you want to go through all of trouble of sending it from one FFL to another. I've heard of a store over in winchester, hero-gear. I've never been there personally but i hear is like the "holy mecca" of all things "tacti-cool"
I dont know what you are looking for, but in my area frontier firearms I40 (exit 355 i think) gallaher road/ oak ridge exit has the best selection of handguns. For shotguns gander mountain in west knoxville or harrisons sporting on hwy 70 across from caney creek marina(bo builds custom rods and tunes bows there). I always check able to see what the manufacturers retail is. hope this helps
I am looking for a pistol and possibly an AR15. I would like a .40 or .45. I would prefer to buy used so that I can afford both.
I picked up some long guns on Friday. Looking now for an additonal Semi-Auto 9mm and a 38 Revolver, as well as some high cap mags.
Been a lot of break-in fairly close to where I live. Look forward to taking the little lady out to shoot the weaponry this weekend...

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