Guntersville 7.8.06

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2005
Big Cove, AL
Had our club tournament today. We caught fish in grass irregularities, and my honey hole. My boat only had 4 keepers, but they weighed around 13 lbs. Winning team weight was 44+ lbs, of course not pattern was given by the team. 2 of our keepers were caught by swimming 10' Yum Red Shad Worms with a pegged 1/4 oz weight, and the other two on Junebug 1 oz Jigs.

Not sure what we placed, but at least it wasn't last. If people can find them, there are going to be some HUGE sacks for CFF Guntersville!

I'll be out there tommorow, with water flowing all day, I'm hoping for a better day as far as numbers... size was good today.
The G looked about a foot down on Friday so with the water flowing I would assume it is back up Bprice? Were the fish active? They were pretty much shut down friday.
Tarheel... 5:00 this morning the water was as high as I've seen it. All the mats in the old South Sauty channel were covered. They pulled mostly today, so water leveled back out to "summer pool"

Not much in the way of surface action today... lots of gar around as always.
I hope it is at normal pool next saturday. With the water down some friday we found a nice hump with grass that will probably be about a foot under water now. I hope the topwater bite will be on Sat am.
44+ POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!emoEek How many fish is that? Is that a weight of ten fish with over a 4 pound average or only five with over a 8 pound average? I was there today and did not see that at all. There was a small club Tx out of BB Comma that took a 13+ to win it pounds. 44+ pounds sounds a little hard to believe Bprice. Would you please explain that for me??? emoScratch Jmax
it was 47 pounds, not 44. 10 fish with a 4.7 lb average. i only landed one keeper at 2.0 lbs. my partner and i had a tough day. i caught several shorts, a couple over 14", but not quite 15. of our winning weight, the guys had 23 and 24 lb sacks of 5 fish each. don't know what they did, they wouldn't share.
i'm sorry you don't believe me... It was 10 fish... i have no reason to fluff their weight, actually i under shot it, official weight was over 47 lbs, and big fish was 6-10. I saw every fish weighed in, and they were massive and beautiful. One of the boaters won the co-angler at the Elite Series Tourney, and the other is a local TV Fishing Show celeb.

So yes... the weight was that heavy.
Nice bag of fish. I have seen a couple of stringers out of there that topped out close to thirty but it was locals who knew where and when to go. I have tried to learn more about this lake but the grass is a killer for me. I guess I need to go back to the mtn. lakes and stay. emoLaugh Good reports guys.emoThumbsup
Sorry Bprice, you saw what I said, not what I meant. I did not think you were lieing, I thought it may have been one of those weird weigh ins where the guy in the back gets so much credit for the guys in the front and I was thinking it was five fish.emoScratch If they had five weighing in at 47 I would be looking for a lie detector to be put on them. WE saw a nice cage on a dock today, it was empty but made me think of some of the stuff that has been getting posted about having fish put back for Tx later. That is one heck of a weight. Would have liked to have known what they did. We had a few but no where near that and no one we talked to was doing anywhere near that as well. They must have hit the mother load.emoWorthy Jmax
Yikes! I was considering coming up for the CFF tourney, but without the ability to prefish and seeing the numbers you guys are putting up right now...:eek:
Jason unless someone is not telling the best I have heard recently from any of our guys is terheel at 18+ pounds. Now I don't know if someone is holding back which is always possiable but at least in days past we have not done weights in the 20s on any tournament we have had so far. I would not be surprised if someone did bring in one over twenty on this one but you never know. The best weight brought in at a CFF was Richard G. at the Chick and it was just under 20.:) Jmax
Jason I would not be concerned with those guys trying to fish the CFF tournament. I hope you can make it to this one. Its supposed to rain here all week off and on, and on Saturday. So that will be interesting, these fish need something to wake them up, and some fresh water might be the ticket.

If I know those guys like I think I do, I am pretty sure they were flipping deeeeep grass (20+ ft) around South Sauty and Mink Creek. I know a fella in our club saw them near the mouth of Mink. More power to those fellas, I know HC is on the lake 5-6 days a week. So he's on fish. He finished 2nd at the Gambler Tourney with 25ish lbs, and a 8-9 big fish.
If I can convince my partner to fish it i will be there. I guess i will go ahead and donate some more money. If i don't catch any fish within the first few hours i might just try and catch some crappie. J/K, maybe i can get lucky again and catch 2 or 3 and hopefully more that 5 lbs. Does the 64th oz jig with 80lb test in the main channel work at Guntersville like at Chickamauga? This will be my third time fishing Guntersville. The other two times I was crappie fishing. Where is Jackson County boat ramp??????


Please sign up on the Calendar Event Page, and send me your name and partners name. See new CFF Guntersville post for more info.

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