Guntersville 7-8-2006 Jmax & CCSM

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Sep 21, 2005
Jmax and I went to the G to practice a little for CFF9. We got on the water about 6:45 am and fished until 1:00 pm. It was a slow day. We did manage to catch a few with our biggest fish being 4 lbs. The top water bite was just off, so we caught our fish on worms fishing the grass edges. I'll tell you, that Jmax is one competitive fisherman. We pulled up on a spot and he cast his favorite bait ---- the infamous puppy out. He pulled it a foot or so and it sounded like a toilet flushing ----"SPLOOOOOSH" the big fish hit the puppy, but missed, so Jmax cast right back into the same spot and he got the same result ----"SPLOOOOOSH" -- missed it again, then he fired a worm in the spot and missed again. Now the whole time this is happening, I'm being back boated and can't even get a cast into the spot. I finally after his third try at the fish told him "to step aside and let a real fisherman have a go at it", but he wasn't having any of that! We had fun, and any time I can catch twice as many fish as Jmax from the back of his boat, then I guess I had a good day. We are looking forward to CFF9 next Saturday on the G. We have a game plan which I think will yield some big fish, but the fish have to cooperate. I look forward to seeing everyone at the event.

Best Regards,
I just knew you were going to bring up that you caught twice as many in the boat as me. You just couldn't resist it could ya????emoPoke What are friend for, right? I want everyone to know that he may have caught twice what I did but I had twice the wieght he did. I was letting him get the little ones out of the way for me.emoLaugh Selective fishing. Yes, we did have a good time and other than the nats almost carrying us away it was a good day. I hope we can get them to stay on better in the CFF8. I had at least three over 4 not make it to the boat.emoCool Jmax
Hmmm ... sounds curiously familiar CCSM. The last time I was in the back of Jmax's boat, I handed it to him as well!

Hey Jmax, maybe you need to fish from the other end of the Green Machine! emoBigsmile
GEEEZZZZZ!!!! What is this, pick on Jmax week????

Jmax emoEnforce CCSM and RR.

I like to look at it that I am just a very goooood guide.emoAngelJmax
Yes, that's right Jmax --- you're just a very goooooood guide , somehow you let the guys fishing off the back of your boat catch twice as many as you ---- yeah that's what is is --- you're just a good guide ----- and the Easter Bunny is real, and the tooth fairy, and OJ is innocent, and Saudi Arabia is our friend, and Barry Bonds never took no steroids, and well you just rest now and watch the pink elephants dancing on your lawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With that said, I can't wait until we go again.
emoLaugh emoLaugh emoUpsmile emoUpsmile I just saw that pink elephant.emoBigsmile Jmax

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