Tater and I started out this morning making the long run from county park to the waterfront area. We caught our first two keepers on a 10 1/2 zoom redbug worm between 5:45 and 6:00. The fish was in scattered mifoil 8-10 foot. We usually like to fish the inside lines of milfoil instead of the main river channel. The third fish was cought on a sizmec toad in 4-5 foot of water on a point around 7:30. Thats when things got tough. Did not land another fish for at least 3 hours. So we decided to start flipping the 1 ounze tight line jigs trying for the big ones. Anytime you can find scattered milfoil or hydrilla in 9-12 foot of water it is the best for that plus ussualy what you catch counts. We caught our last two keepers bettween 11:00 and 11:30 on the jigs. Nice ones. emoSmile so we was ready ti way in by 12:00. Just really played the rest of the afternoon wating for weigh in.