Guntersville Trip

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Bass Or Crappie?

Active member
Mar 30, 2007
The father in law and I are heading down to the Gun this weekend and, I am wondering if there are any folks out there that wouldn't mind giving up some of there honey holes and or techniques. This will be my second trip down and I don't want to get skunked like I did the first time. We will be Bass fishing and putting in at BB Comber Bridge.

Thanks in advance!
A good place to go right now (heat of summer) that is close to BB Comer is the Chisnal Springs area.  It is just down river from BB Comer.  That area has a lot of grass and wood structure, and the spring keeps the water at a reasonable temp.  it is just downstream from the chisnal spring boat ramp on Langston Highway.  Typical patterns right now are flipping big jigs (1 oz) and swimming large worms and BIG spinnerbaits.</p>

Also go to , and search the "clickable maps" link, and he has pointed out some nice hints for the BB Comer Area. 
Good luck, and please let us know how you do.</p>
Now that's awfully nice little advice there BPrice. I'm sure our forum fella that made his first post for as a request will be appreciative.

That's what we're talking about!

emoWelcome Bass or Crappie? !

I don't get sker'd much when it comes to sharing information.  Especially since I won't be bass fishing Guntersville until a few weekends from now.  I'd really like to hear how you do down there.  Welcome!
Bass Or Crappie? - 8/15/2007 2:15 PM Any body else have any good info for me?

<font color="#ff0066">go down stream from BB Comer bridge and on the right fish the ditch from the river into Roseberry....always fish around there....worms, jigs, or rat in the grass.....hang on you may get your arm broke..FA  and welcome to the forum.....
My info is updated.

Only got one little fish this mourning. Caught him on a white spinner bait in the shallows.

Going back out later tonight and tomarrow. Any help would be extremly appreciated!
Did you spend any time fishing below the bridge where the "E" sits on the map? The outside weedline along the channel edge was really good to me last time out. Try dead-sticking a Dinger or flipping a Sweet Beaver. According to SeqBass, Guntersville bass also have a fondness for spinnerbaits in white and purple...the royal shad pattern.
when u put in at BB comer go down river it will be the first big slue on your left ther will be a boat ramp and then a water treatment plant then a small island on the left then a boat house in the edge of the slue and you are their u should be able to see the road and new bridge if you get to the power lines u whent to far dont go out to the river and the go down just go from the ramp the water is around 9 foot u should be ok
maybe you need to get off that bumed knee procraftemoLaugh emoLaugh bass or crappie if you get the chance to hook up with procraft he should be able to put you on some fish.
Thanks for all the advice guys.

Procraft, Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply to your post before now. I really apreaciate your offer but we left Sat. afternoon. Maybe we can get together next trip.

Report: The fishing was very slow for us, maybe because we are used to catching chickamauga slicks and not guntersville hogs. We fished all over the place from South Sauty to Crow Creek. Every fish we caught was on a spinnerbait, we just couldn't get them to even look at anything else. Most of our fish were caught down the inside line of Milfoil just below BB Comber. My father in law had one nice bass in Mud Creek just outside of the stump bed. All in all we only had two keeper fish one was three pounds and the other was three and three quarters. Still had a great time!