Gurley Gone

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Ashamed the kid gets suspended for giving autographs when the university is making a killing off him. I'm a vols fan but love watching him run.
He did more than just sign some autographs according to the accusations. Rules are rules, it sucks for his teammates.
From what I heard from another wedsite is that the same guy that turned Gurley in is also the same guy that reported that Johnny Manzel signed some for money also last year. Kinda odd... If true? It almost seems like a set up. The one difference is Johnny Manzel's parents have that Oil money and can hire the best lawer's to bail him out of things. Gurley came from a poor family. But if he did take money then wrong is wrong. No matter how You look at it. And also SI is reporting that Gurley will probably miss 2 to 3 games if it is true. And it does suck for his teammates.
They need to start paying these kids and be done with this BS. SOme get injured during college and never make a dine during their football careers, while the schools make a huge profit.
SpurHunter - 10/11/2014 1:22 AM

They need to start paying these kids and be done with this BS. SOme get injured during college and never make a dine during their football careers, while the schools make a huge profit.

Dude, they are getting an opportunity for a free education! Books, tuition, room and board. I've eaten at a major college training table. They eat better'n most of us, as much as they want. You don't think they should be expected to follow the rules?? And if you pay the college kids, then then parasites will move on to the high school kids. If they need spending money, give them a reasonable, equitable per diem and make them pay taxes on it. emoScratch
New info out could put him out for the season. around 30 vendors @ 400 bucks per vendor . That's big time ! Will all depend on if there is proof of money exchanged. It's a hear say at this point. I don't agree with a lot of the NCAA rules, but as of now they are the rules. Follow em !
I agree. There are some great documentaries on this issue. I just don't feel like their tuition costs are enough for the amount of money they bring in to the universities.
I am a die hard dawg fan and obviously a gurly fan. That said, if he did it, he is wrong. He should have thought of his teammates and school. I would have picked anyone else on the team to do this before him. Guess I was wrong. Can you not wait a yr for a multi-million dollar pay check. I do not agree with paying these kids. Too many variables to mention. Tuitio, room and board, food, health care, etc. what else do you want. If yall haven't heard, UGA just had a freshman diagnosed w/a brain problem witch ended his career. They are keeping him on scholarship for the next 4yrs. Your welcome and on to the next running back!
basspsycho - 10/11/2014 3:50 AM

I am a die hard dawg fan and obviously a gurly fan. That said, if he did it, he is wrong. He should have thought of his teammates and school. I would have picked anyone else on the team to do this before him. Guess I was wrong. Can you not wait a yr for a multi-million dollar pay check. I do not agree with paying these kids. Too many variables to mention. Tuitio, room and board, food, health care, etc. what else do you want. If yall haven't heard, UGA just had a freshman diagnosed w/a brain problem witch ended his career. They are keeping him on scholarship for the next 4yrs. Your welcome and on to the next running back!

I dont agree with paying them either. But giving them a per diem was just a compromise. As long as it is reasonable, equitable, taxable, and will address the issue of "poor kids with no money" I would reluctantly give in. Hoo-rah for UGA for keeping the kid; that is great!
I've been watching this Gurly thing on espn. I'm a U. G. A. Fan but rules are rules. I'm inclined to go along with them . Ga. is not standing behind him at all. According to them when J. Mansell got caught @ T. A&M for the same thing only on a bigger scale T. A&M went to bat for him and he wound up with a 1/2 game suspension. Ga. on their own has suspended him indefinitely. they must know a lot more than they are admitting to. if I were him I would never play another down for UGA.
He's already got the name, I'd keep myself fresh for the NFL
I don't think is right. But I'm anxious to see Chubb step up and hope mason can throw the ball. I would say that Ga is doing what's best for the team.
I am a coach and have been for years. What a lot of people do not know is a lot of these student athletes that come from low income families receive financial aid from us tax payers and the university picks up the rest. I personally do not have a problem with it because if the kid gets an education it can change the stars of his whole family and the government will get this investment back. What bothers me is how much money some of the people are making off college football, and they are not the ones sticking their neck out everyday to advance the corporation and yes major college football has become a corporation, and the star players are the top CEO's. If they get injured, or not make it to NFL there should be something there for them in some kind of severance package.
yes as one poster mentioned the university gives a lot to these kids without just giving them money. they eat and live good. When you have a 19 year old kid who has made it to college who was raised by grandmother or single mother and he is away from family and use to being the man of family. Then your family is about to get evicted back home, no food to eat, or no transportation to get to work or no money for medical reason, the temptation to make the easy money is there. if they do this it does not always mean they are the ones being greedy, or stupid. I don't have an answer and not sure there is a right one.
I just know for most of these kids their day starts at 4 in the morning and after school practice and team meetings they are lucky to get in bed by 12. These kids work their butts off. I honestly have no idea how these kids stay awake in class.
I guess we just all have to look at it as how would you want to be treated if in that situation. Again I don't know of a fair way to compensate players and still keep D1 BCS football competitive.
Maverick - 10/15/2014 11:56 AM

I am a coach and have been for years. What a lot of people do not know is a lot of these student athletes that come from low income families receive financial aid from us tax payers and the university picks up the rest. I personally do not have a problem with it because if the kid gets an education it can change the stars of his whole family and the government will get this investment back. What bothers me is how much money some of the people are making off college football, and they are not the ones sticking their neck out everyday to advance the corporation and yes major college football has become a corporation, and the star players are the top CEO's. If they get injured, or not make it to NFL there should be something there for them in some kind of severance package.
yes as one poster mentioned the university gives a lot to these kids without just giving them money. they eat and live good. When you have a 19 year old kid who has made it to college who was raised by grandmother or single mother and he is away from family and use to being the man of family. Then your family is about to get evicted back home, no food to eat, or no transportation to get to work or no money for medical reason, the temptation to make the easy money is there. if they do this it does not always mean they are the ones being greedy, or stupid. I don't have an answer and not sure there is a right one.
I just know for most of these kids their day starts at 4 in the morning and after school practice and team meetings they are lucky to get in bed by 12. These kids work their butts off. I honestly have no idea how these kids stay awake in class.
I guess we just all have to look at it as how would you want to be treated if in that situation. Again I don't know of a fair way to compensate players and still keep D1 BCS football competitive.

I don't object to helping anyone with trying to improve his/her life. As a coach, you will admit that some of these kids even get "a little extra" due to their talent. I really got no problem with that; it's there no one is gonna change it. What I do have a problem with, is giving someone the opportunity to improve his/her life(situation) and that someone not being expected to "follow the riles", or not being held accountable for breaking them. I understand the "lottery of birth"; that some are born better off than others. But, imo, that doesn't give one the inalienable right to screw up and not face the consequences.

One more thing. Some folks bring up that colleges are making barrels of money "off of these athletes". Not off of the athletes; they are not victims. They are receiving compensation visa-via an opportunity to get an education. It's off of the marketing of the program. It's off of television revenues, concessions, and sales of memorabilia. The individual athelete is only there for 4-5 years. the wheel was turning long before he/she got there and will keep turning long after they've moved on. If you want a model of how it should be done, look no further than the UT women's BB program under Pat Summit.

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