Hamilton Sport Shop up for sale

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Mar 25, 2009
I have finally decided that the time has come to sell this business that has been in my family for nearly 40 years. It has been in the same wonderful location for over 60 yrs. I will sell the business including equipment, inventory, and signage etc. I will require a long term lease for the building. Please contact me via email [email protected] or 423-619-0109</p>
RE: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

Bound to have been a difficult decision for you. Best of luck to you and the family in future endeavors. I'm sure the "Big Box stores" and national chains must take their toll, along with other business factors. Hamilton's has been a tried and true friend of the fisherman for as long as I can remember. I hope someone keeps it "fishing friendly."
RE: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

Sorry to see this. But good luck in your future. I just hope the new owner(s) are 100% American. Man, Hamiltons is a southern establishment.
RE: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

Oh man! I hate to hear this is happening .
You all have been great for us fishermen and it'll be hard for anyone to take your place.
I wish you the best for your future.
RE: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

Thanks for the kind words. My decision is not at all a result of big box retailers. Those guys cant compete wirh our location, convenience, customer service, product knowlege and local recognition and identity. Its just time for someone else to take the reigns. With all the kids and grandkids activities and other family responsibilities there is not enough time in the week to enjoy it all. I will only sell to the right buyer, as I will be the landlord. My other business and family obligations requires soo much of my time that I think it may be the right time to make a change that will allow more time for other things in our lives. However, if the right buyer doesn't come along then we will keep on doing what's worked very well for over half a century. When I bought the store from my aunt almost 10 years ago we didn't change anything. Most people aren't aware that it changed hands. I can't imagine messing with success that's been so long term
Re: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

I hate to hear this, I have been getting my fishing bait and gear there since high school when I would skip school to go fishing. I wish I were in a better position financially I would love to buy it. hope the new owners don't screw it up because it work as is.
Re: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

That has been my "Go to" bait store for ever... I have seen the Changing in the family and was thinking a while back that when Pops got to the point he could not be effective in the store, it seemed to effect things... I want to personally Thank You for the many years of quality service to us fishermen and Fisher-woman. LL
Re: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

Nicky, Vicky, and Niki make that place what it is. Always a smile behind the counter
Re: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

churly - 6/26/2013 6:28 AM

Nicky, Vicky, and Niki make that place what it is. Always a smile behind the counter

I will second that, those ladies are great. emoAngel Jmax
Re: Business for sale Hamilton Sport Shop

I'll never forget when I had 3 rods that needed new tips. I knew they opened at 6am so I went before work and planned on leaving them there. She told me she would do it if I wanted to wait a minute and she had them done in 5! I could not believe the speedy service and how cheap it was. Cost me less than $10!
I know someone that was on our local pool league that was going to buy Smokey Mountain Tackle when they closed. He was having to much trouble with the building owner about where, how, size and what the store sign would look like out on the main drag where all the other signs were located and on the Front of the store too.
I think they also torn down the overhang too and no place for a sign there. They were major D*$ks about the sign so others would see it clearly. I lived in Cleveland for 3 years before I knew the store was there. The sign was way to small to see it while driving by it.
Anyway.... I'll contact him and let him know about the store being up for sale. He has good credentials, works at the fire department and also owns his own icy drink business and the family runs routes all over Cleveland.

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