Hamilton's Sport Shop Closing in January

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rsimms - 12/30/2007 5:11 PM

Be advised... Hamilton's Sport Shop closing. Don't panic. It's only for the month of January.
Details here: http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_119293.asp

I was in there yesterday and they told me that they were remodeling the store somewhat. They are moving the cash register so that they can watch the store while checking people out. I asked if they were having a problem with people stealing stuff and she said yes. They were losing a bunch of frogs and had to move the display up to the register so that they could keep an eye on it. They didn't have to order as many frogs after that.

People like that will keep over their limit in fish too. Thieves. Can't stand'em and will report'em if I see any of that stuff happening.
I was in there today and saw that they were going to be closed. Anyone have any good ideas on where to get live bait on 58? I can't think of a single spot unless it is the park grocery. I can't do without my shiners for a month on the river!
<font face="georgia,times new roman,times,serif">How about the guy accross the bridge from the old governors building, I have bought shiners there for I think $4.25 or $4.50 a dozen but it was a year or so ago
fishn4cash - 12/30/2007 6:32 PM

<font face="georgia,times new roman,times,serif">How about the guy accross the bridge from the old governors building, I have bought shiners there for I think $4.25 or $4.50 a dozen but it was a year or so ago

I don't think he is still in business. Wish he was, that is really close for me. With the crappie picking up it is going to be rough on everyone that fishes live bait.
I hope that someone is selling minnows. Heaven forbid that these crappie fishermen find out about panfish assassins. Bait business would be a flop then.
There are some people that will not use artificial bait even when you outfish them 10 to 1. There will always be a market for minnows where there are crappie.
There is a good bate store just off of Roseville Blv. and close to I24 that has big minnors for $.90 doz. turn RT. beside the Rase Track gas station, go to stop sing. Turn left be on right. He has the best size and I stil have some alive that I got Sunday week ago. Don't know what he's called, Need more info. PM me.
minnows are for us people that just can't seem to get the technique for jigs, i fish jigs more than i do minnows but i just can't seem to catch crappie on jigs. i can catch bluegills, stripe, yellow bass, spaaats,even an ocassional drum or catfish just not crappie. maybe someday i'll catch on

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