Have a laugh on me.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
I did something stupid the other day and I guess I will tell on myself. I mentioned it yesterday to a couple guys and they cracked up. emoRedface On the 12th when I had that good day I had just caught that 5/8. Derek texted me and I was looking at my phone right after casting. When I picked up my rod it was heavy. Set the hook and another big one was on. emoTongue It was pulling really good and had me doubled over. Got it right up near the boat and it did a bull dog run, POW!, the line broke. emoDoh I should have retied. I caused that. Discussed with myself I looked at my line and sure enough, about the first two foot had marks on it from the fish I had just caught. Pulled off about four foot of line and cut it. Got a new shakey, a new worm, tied on my new shakey, put on the new worm, got out my dip dye and hit the end of the worm with an inch of high lights. I do not like dropping the worm in the boat when I do this because the worm can stain the carpet with the dye. So as usual I dropped it over the side of the boat and BLOOP!, down it went straight to the bottom!!!! emoBang In my haste to get retied and back in the water I had tied my brand new set up to the four foot of line I had just cut off!!! emoGoofy Stupid, stupid, stupid! I guess there is a bright side, it could have been some expensive bait that sunk instead of a shakey and worm. emoRolleyes Jmax
Lol. Did that with a jig and craw fix it all up and tossed it over the side. Forgot to even tie the thing. In my defence lol it was at night Leonard had a good laugh
If you fish, it is bound to happen that we do something stupid every once in a while. I will tell one on me. Several years ago, I was fishing for spots at the bend downriver and I had just caught on on a topwater lure. I laid the rod down across the bow of the boat and while I was unhooking the bass, the rod slid into the water unawares, and when I got the lure untied, I tossed it over the side and watch it disappear with the rod and reel. It was a brand new rig too. emoBang We tried to find it, but alas, no such luck. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
I have sacrificed my fair share of items to the river gods. Cutting the wrong lone and then throwing the bait in the water. Taking stuff out of boxes and dropping it at just the right angle on a hard surface,just to watch it take a swim.Most recent was my cell phone emoBang
Even watched a pro do it down on the G earlier this year.
drumking - 8/14/2015 7:21 AM If you fish, it is bound to happen that we do something stupid every once in a while. I will tell one on me. Several years ago, I was fishing for spots at the bend downriver and I had just caught on on a topwater lure. I laid the rod down across the bow of the boat and while I was unhooking the bass, the rod slid into the water unawares, and when I got the lure untied, I tossed it over the side and watch it disappear with the rod and reel. It was a brand new rig too. emoBang We tried to find it, but alas, no such luck. emoBigsmile emoGeezer


Seems like I remember that one emoBang </p>


emoCool </p>

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